that's what they tell me. they needed to hire a little security here in case the drunks get out of line or whatever. i work for o'charley's, not for the mall. you know, i thought about getting a job as a mall security. yeah, man. i mean, i'm kind of on extended vacation from college and it's just like, i don't want to do shit, you know what i mean? my parents said i have to work if i want to live at home, but i just don't feel like doing anything. this was the easiest job i could find, i mean, what the hell could be hard about being a bouncer in a mall restaurant? but now that i think about it, mall security could be easier than this. no. really? i thought you just kind of chilled out and called stuff into the police. like what? what about it? okay. oh yeah? does it pay more than $6.50 an hour? i'd say that's more than i'm making now. what do i have to do? so basically, i just do what i'm doing now and then you'll get me a job? how long does this mentorship last? can i smoke while i work? sign me up. what's this? what are we doing here, ronnie? i thought you said they were giving away free chick-fil-a sandwiches. charles. since we're going to be doing a lot of the work and you're going to be solving the crimes, do we at least get paid? is that your girlfriend or something, ronnie? she's not my type, but that's just me. are you blind? give me a break. wait, are you sure she's not your girlfriend? you're gonna hook me up with a job, right?