what do you want, ronnie? no. okay, got it. what skirts? it was horrible! oh, my god, the thought of that disgusting -- i think i'm going to be sick. i just keep playing it over and over again in my head. physically, yes. but psychologically, no! i'm fine, ronnie. i can't walk right now. i feel like i'm in shock. i'm really shaken up. yes, i did. no. he was tall and skinny and he had brown hair and it was real greasy. it was long about to his shoulders. no, he just stood there and you know, touched himself. just a brown trench coat. what if he comes back? is that going to happen?! i feel a lot better now. sorry to interrupt. i had to do inventory tonight. bruce took off early so i'm the last one. hey, i was wondering if you would mind walking me to my car. you know, just in case that freak with the dick is out there someplace. alright, thanks for the ride. see ya tomorrow. how come every time somebody does something nice for me, they act like i owe them a blow job? ronnie, i got to be honest with you, you're not really my type. rich guys. or guys who are really hot. i'll go out to dinner with you on one condition. this is not a date. do you understand? we're going to dinner, but we are not going on a date. and you can never tell anybody we went out. you pay for dinner, right? and as many drinks as i want. and you have to drive me to my car every night after work for the next six months. and my car is low on gas, so i need some money to fill it up. nah, fifty. okay, you can pick me up after work on saturday. dinner and that's it. don't try to kiss me because i'll smack the shit out of you. it's not a date. thanks for the ride. what? yeah, work's been pissing me off, so i just need to blow off some steam. yeah, i know. nurse! get me another -- you got this, right? nurse! bring me another and keep 'em coming. i think it's funny to call the waitress nurse. hey, what's that? don't be stingy, what the fuck is that? let me see. where the fuck did you find these? damn, ronnie, klonopin. i'm impressed. this is the good shit. i didn't know you partied like this. let me get one. hell yeah! i hate that shit. all i do is listen to bitching all day long. i got to put makeup on these fat- ass women all day and it's like, i don't give a shit what you do, you can't polish a turd. let's do some shots. waiter, four shots of jager! it's friday. i've got a few hook-ups but nobody who is a boyfriend. you know, it's just like a time in my life where i want to be free right now and think about myself. not get tied down to one person. alright, bottoms up. right up your ass! oh, shit! what's wrong, is your pussy hurting? feel the burn, bitch! who wants to see my titties?! for the last time, this ain't a date, motherfucker! this is a party! that's my house! i'm so fucking shit-faced. my breath smells like asshole. i think i've got puke in my teeth. how may i help you? what is it, honey? let me guess. you're looking for something to take care of those blackheads and hide that puffiness under your eyes. i've got just the thing. fifty dollars for the bottle. what the hell are you talking about? i don't know who you've been talking to, but it's safe to say that you're fucking trippin'. oh fuckin' lord. this is disgusting. pull it together. this is how you run around all the time? have some self-respect. no wonder your man left you. who the hell would want to be around this shit all day? you better fuckin' run, bitch! i'm just kidding. what are you doing here? ronnie, that's really. uncalled for. oh, like you've never been drunk, bruce! ronnie, look. i got to be honest with you. i barely remember last night. okay, see here's the thing. i don't know how to say this, so i'm just gonna come on out with it. ronnie, i could never date you seriously. i mean, you're a security guard. exactly. the point is, i don't really see myself being with that. like ever. you know what i mean? yeah, something like that. and just you know, you're a security guard at the mall and it's like, come on, you know? don't bet on it. i can't do that. and tell your girlfriend to stop coming by my work and threatening me and shit. shhhh. i thought i heard something. shit! well, you're the fucking cop. do something. what the fuck are you doing?! ronnie, it's me! don't do anything crazy. fuck off, ronnie. it's easy 'cause i don't give a fuck about you! you don't scare me, you piece of shit. tell me about it. i was drunk okay. you gonna make a big deal out of it. fine. that'll be $39.99. i hope so. it's my favorite. good job, ronnie. i don't love you either.