your secretary told me to come on in. i'm detective harrison, cabarrus county police. hello, brandi. are you doing okay? yes, ma'am, i'm sure you are after all you've been through, but i'm here to tell you that we're going to work together to make sure we catch the person who did this. great. okay, brandi. did you get a look at the suspect? thank you. brandi, can you remember anything specifically? what color was his hair? was he tall or short? was his hair long or short? did he say anything? what was he wearing? i just wrote a description. okay, brandi, i think that's good for now. i think the best thing at this point is to just follow up with the other ladies who saw the perpetrator yesterday and see if they remember anything. that's highly unlikely. these incidents are usually random and unpredictable. i'm sure you'll be safe. targeted? what gives you that impression? that's not going to happen. well don't worry. i'm on the case and i'm going to do everything in my power to bring this guy down. look, i've got to get going. here's my card. i'll even write my home phone number on the back, just in the event you need to get a hold of me. give me a call when you aren't working and i'll have you come to the station to look through some mug shots. don't worry okay. what? oh, okay. you can just leave a message at the station. i check my messages constantly. don't do that. thanks for waking me up this morning, ronnie. my team just checked all the doors and there are no signs of forced entry. i've also checked out the crime scene, but we didn't see any fingerprints on the glass. the suspect was probably wearing gloves. my guess it was an inside job. probably someone who has access to keys like a janitor or a security guard. i'm almost at the end of my first year. i've been a police officer for several years. whoever did this would have to had keys to the security room so they could shut off the camera. ronnie, nobody is accusing anybody, but i would like to stick around for a while and interview some of the employees. i understand. ronnie, on these types of investigations, it's usually not a good idea to have too many cooks in the kitchen. i'm gonna do this alone. so, have you seen any suspicious people hanging around the mall? anybody who might have been casing the stores? okay, well if you can think of anything, here's my card. what are you doing, ronnie? ronnie, this is official police business. ronnie, i appreciate your enthusiasm, but just let me handle this. have a good day, sir. i have no reason to make him a suspect. ronnie, stop. we're finished here. now if you're going to tag along, i'm gonna need you to just stay back; are we clear? did you let anybody borrow your keys? have you seen anything suspicious? okay, sir. thank you for your time. ronnie, we talked about this. what special circumstance? what did he say? no, i'm not. ronnie, that's enough. i'm detective harrison with the cabarrus county police. okay, seriously, would you back the fuck off?! i'm trying to do my job and you're fucking it up. i'm working! sorry. hi. i'm doing a check with all the mall employees to see if anybody has any information on the robbery that took place here last night? that's fine, thanks for the help. i'm sorry, ma'am. he's not with me. here's my card. if you think of anything, just give me a call. shut up, ronnie! get the hell out, ronnie. i'm here to ask questions about the robbery. you requested to ride along with me. why do you want to become a cop? well, just pay attention tonight and make sure you stay out of the way. what are you talking about? no, no. ronnie, policy says you have to stay in the car. ronnie, you really can't. i'm glad we understand each other. you see that corner there, ronnie? that corner used to be the worst corner in this whole town. it was riddled with drugs, prostitution, and gang violence. it was nicknamed 'the crossroads.' that's right, but myself and the other officers worked on cleaning it up for years so that the good folks of this neighborhood wouldn't have to worry about being safe. yes, sir, that corner is a testament to the fine police work of our force. well, it's a low income area, ronnie. you're being kind of prejudiced. that's right, but it hasn't been easy. we still patrol this area every night just to keep our presence up. i'm sure. i usually do the foot patrols myself, but because i like you, i'm going to let you do it tonight. yeah, really. but i told you about department policy, so i'm going to need you to keep quiet about this one. of course, ronnie. i just really believe in you. trust me, you would have done the same thing. this guy is without a doubt the biggest fucking idiot i have ever met. good! fuck him, i hope he does get killed. ronnie, what are you doing here? ronnie, look, i didn't do anything -- ronnie, look -- ronnie, i -- thank me? why? ronnie, i don't know what to say. i can see that. listen, i don't really know how to say this, but we're not going to be able to let you join the academy. it seems you had a little trouble passing the minimum requirements. well, yes, actually, you failed the psychological exam. it says. that ronnie barnhardt shows warning signs of delusion and allowing him to join the force puts his life and the lives of others in jeopardy. ronnie, i personally did your background check and this is the fifth time you've been turned down for the police academy. we sure do. look, i tried to talk to them, but there's no way they're gonna let you in. i'm sorry, but your dreams of becoming a police officer just aren't going to happen. take care, ronnie. what is it? it's nothing. that motherfucker is crazy. you're right. okay, here it goes. drop the flashlight, ronnie. ronnie, i know you've had a hard time -- so you're gonna kill brandi? ronnie! that guy is a nut job. so you slept with him? no, i guess not. i see that. well, you better turn him over to me and i'll take him inside and book him. hey, ronnie, you may not be an officer of the law, but you're the law's right hand. good job.