ladies, please, we're doing everything we can to handle the situation. nothing is more important to us than the safety of our shoppers. now in the meantime, feel free to check out some of our wonderful back-to- school sales. excuse me for a minute. have you seen ronnie? ramon, have you seen ronnie? where is ronnie? i've been looking all over for you. so you may or may not have heard, but this morning, several women were assaulted just outside the front doors by a crazy pervert. i know, it's horrible. not just yet. see if we call the police, they'll be a big scandal and something like that could kill what little traffic we have at this mall. what i need you to do is watch out for this pervert and if you see him, try to stop him or quietly phone it in so we can handle this discreetly. i'm just saying keep an eye out and keep quiet. there's no investigation. you can't carry a gun. head of mall security. and it doesn't come with a raise. and the new title stays between us. alright, people, she's doing good. we're just gonna get her down to my office and everything's going to be fine, so the best thing for you employees to do is just get on back to your stations and you customers can go ahead and enjoy the back to school savings here at carolina mall. brandi, please, dennis has called the police and let's just take this down to my office. they're on the way. i'm trying, but she just keeps crying. she's fine, ronnie. ronnie, can you get her down to my office so the police can talk to her in private when they arrive. oh, fucking jesus. mark talbert, i manage the mall. this is brandi, she's the one who saw the deviant. go ahead, detective. that doesn't sound good. how did they do it? okay, but all i ask is that you do it quietly, so that the hoopla is kept to a minimum. ronnie, you are to leave detective harrison alone and let him handle the investigation. you didn't swear an oath. come in. is it, ronnie? i mean, the mall is getting butchered in the press. somebody who works here is ripping the place off. the cops don't have any leads. i'm getting shit from the owner of the mall. sales are down. i mean, what's so good about this morning? who is this? you work at o'charley's, right. do you have any experience, son? alright, it's actually not a bad idea. it might make our security more visible so we can give people the illusion that we're on top of this. ronnie, one more thing. look, if this crime doesn't come to an end pretty soon, we're gonna have to let someone go. i mean, you've always done a great job for me, but the truth is, someone is going to have to take the fall. you're the one who wanted to be head of mall security and quite frankly, i just bought my wife a new cadillac, so let's just say it won't be me. it's nothing. have fun, ronnie. ronnie, we need you down at the candy store. some little brat has been shoveling peanuts in his mouth for the last hour. how fucking stupid do you have to be?! i mean dennis. what the fuck, ronnie? how could you not have known it was dennis? then, how the fuck could you be so stupid as to let him get away. observe and report. those are the only two things you have to do and you can't do those worth a shit. go ahead. just start talking, ronnie! good. because you're fired. i'm serious, ronnie. i've always liked you, but there's just no excuse for this. somebody is going down and i'll be damned if it's going to be me. now, don't make a big thing out of this. just pack your shit and get out by the end of the day. i'm not your friend, i'm your boss. no, ronnie. nope. ronnie, jesus have a little self- respect. ronnie, it's over. stop him! okay, show's over. enjoy your shopping experience at carolina mall. jesus. charles! call the police. and go get ronnie. just do what i ask you. hey, ronnie. good job, ronnie.