you think you're ready for a shot at the title, motherfucker?! ding ding. what's wrong, baby? is your pussy hurting? ah! fuck you! ow! i give! i give! let me go, goddamn it. i can't believe you got that lucky shit on me. you almost broke my arm. not really. i'm so proud of you, ronnie. hell yes. you were great. nah, you did good. come on, ronnie, just get out here. let me see. ronnie, you look so handsome! hell no. you look like a stud muffin. nell is a lucky girl. really, i thought you and nell were going to get married some day. well, i always liked nell, but as long as you're happy, ronnie, that's all i care about. that sounds wonderful. is she pretty? i remember when your father picked me up for our first date. i swear he was the most handsome man that i had ever laid eyes on. i knew right then and there that this would be the man that i married. it will, ronnie. then you'll have to give her a ring like the one your father gave me. it's a glass diamond. this is how it looks now. well, he kind of freaked out when you were born. you had so many special needs that he just couldn't handle the pressure. one day, he just couldn't take it anymore. definitely. you don't think it was mine do you? nope, it was all you. i love you, ronnie. i don't care about that bullshit. all i need is a little nip of this good shit right here and i'm ready to walk through the pearly gates. i don't tell you how to party, don't tell me how to live my life. i've taken care of you since you were born. ronnie, don't get your hopes up about this police thing. you know why. i just don't want to see you get hurt. it's my job to protect you from the bullshit. i know. just be careful is all. you've got a good heart and i don't want to see it broken. and, ronnie, one more thing. that's right! now you got to smell it! what's on the agenda for today? well, i know you're sad about it, but try to look on the bright side. ronnie, you may not be smart or handsome, but you've got dreams inside of you and dreams make you special. no matter what this world tries to throw at you, they can never take those dreams away. i don't know. i'm drunk. i just know that mothers are supposed to talk like that to their children when they're sad, so i tried. what do you want from me? ronnie, the other night when i soiled my pants right before i puked myself, i was thinking about how you would come home and find me and clean me up. i knew you would be there to find me and take care of me, so i was able to pass out on the floor and not worry. if there's one thing you know about, it's duty. i know and i love you too, ronnie. i haven't always been easy to deal with and most people would have thrown me away a long time ago. just like your father did. but not you, ronnie. look, whiskey was always the way i dealt with being a single mother, but as i get older, i know that i can't keep doing this. i've got everything i need with you. so i want you to know that i'm ready to make a change. your life needs to get easier and you don't need to take care of old mom anymore. i'm switching to beer. i can pound those all day and still keep my shit together. i'm doing it for you. i'm proud of you. now today is a new day and we're going to get through it. now, get out there and find what the world has in store for you.