dear lord, bless this food that we eat and purify it with your salvation. also, please keep ronnie safe as he works in your name to protect the customers and employees and store owners of the mall. and please turn your wrath on any sinners that try to hurt him and make them pay by burning in the eternal flames of hell. in christ's name we pray, amen. so what's on the agenda for you today? what's wrong, ronnie? ronnie, i know that you really want to be a police officer, but you have to realize that things work out the way they're meant to. your job is definitely more exciting than mine. i'll see you after work, sweetie. i'm sorry. i'll see you after work, officer barnhardt. what are you doing? you've been so obsessed with catching this pervert i've barely seen you. well, are you ready to go? what are you doing, ronnie? ronnie, no. you know we talked about this. ronnie, you know i'm saving myself for marriage. i thought you were okay with that. i thought you loved my purity. it's okay. i should leave anyway, it's late. see ya tomorrow. hey, sweetie -- oh, i'm sorry, good morning, officer barnhardt. where were you last night? i tried to call, but your mom said you weren't home from work yet. i drive a ford. i don't get it. are you thinking about getting a new car? what?! who? the slutty girl who works at the make-up counter? how could you do this to me? why are you doing this, ronnie? don't you love me? then tell me why? remember when you started this job? you weren't such a hotshot then. i've stood by you when you were at your worst. every time you fell, i held your hand and told you everything would be okay. time and time again. i never cared about who you wanted to be, i fell in love with who you really are. if you leave me, ronnie, i won't be there to pick you up when you fall. excuse me. i need to talk to you. no, that's not it. well, how much is it? okay, i'll take it. listen, i know you're ronnie's new girlfriend. it's okay. i know he left me to be with you and i accept that. it's fine really. it's going to take a while for me to get over it, but i'll be okay. i'm sorry. jesus teaches us to forgive. and i forgive you for what you did to me when you stole my boyfriend. plus, i feel pretty confident that you'll end up burning in hell because of the various evil ways you live your life and that brings me some satisfaction. but i just want to tell you that ronnie is a good person. he does a lot of stupid stuff, but really, he wants to do good for the world. i want you to know that if you hurt him and ruin his heart, i will personally come down here and kick the ever living shit out of you. it's not too late to change your ways. hey, ronnie. nothing, just getting in shape. hey, ronnie. how's it going? what is it? oh, ronnie, i'm sorry. i don't know, ronnie. maybe it's just not meant to be. are you okay? ronnie, i can't. i've got plans. i'm ready, saddamn. i'm sorry, ronnie. ronnie, what are you doing here? i don't think we should be talking. oh, my god! i'm fine. ronnie. go get him. you had an eyelash? sorry.