okay, ronnie, today i'll be giving you a psychiatric evaluation to determine if you're competent to enter into the police academy. it's really just a formality. don't want any serial killers working for us, now do we? okay, ronnie, so let's start with your background. where are you from? local boy. okay, and, ronnie, have you ever been convicted of any crimes? do you now take any illegal drugs or have you taken any in the past? any prescription medications? are you presently or have you ever been affiliated with the communist party? have you ever been in the military? what branch of the military were you in? okay, here's a real world scenario. you have a gun -- that wasn't really the question, never mind, i think i got that one. um. here's one. do you feel like you would work well on a team? why do you want to become a cop? uh-huh. so, what do you feel is the greatest danger facing a police officer today? okay, i think we're good here. it's been a pleasure, ronnie.