fuck off, ronnie, it's just a parking lot. yeah, skating's not a crime, dick. we're not leaving. what the fuck are you doing? what? ronnie, i hear what you're saying and i just want you to know that personally, it pains me to see you all worked up and i just want you to know that i'm really sorry because you can't do shit and you can take your little rules and stick'em up your ass, you fuckin' rent-a-cop. our suspension is over. this is my cousin, roy. he's a boxer. jesus, ronnie, what the fuck are you doing? i'm listening. why would i want to help you? sorry, dude, but i'm no snitch. go find somebody else to do your dirty work. alright, dude, i understand, you sick fuck. stop crying, roy. what are you doing, ronnie? i got something. what's wrong with you, ronnie? i don't know. you just seem kind of sad. that's cool. look, man, you want to get high? that's cool. fine, you fucking dick. what up, big den?! dude, why are you hanging out with ronnie? dude, that's fucking disgusting! hey, ronnie, here! what a fucking douche!