all i'm saying, before we take it down. maybe we should try it out. what do we need a bed for when we've got a fine shag carpet? told `em i'd be late. kyle? that boy wouldn't wake up if a nuclear bomb went off. won't be here for another hour. isn't that why you married me? want me to stay? crack the whip on these guys? excuse me? right. gage. bendix. i work there. do you have an appointment with us? actually, you do. you're a temp? well, you could have fooled me. no problem. happen to anybody. are you following me? derek charles? oh, yeah, i know him. kind of an asshole, takes himself waaaay too seriously. but don't tell him i said that. l deep trouble. total chaos. lucky for me, i sneaked out as soon as the movers showed up. if she calls mad -- and she will -- tell her i'm in a meeting. good point. matter of fact, i just got off the line to berlin. ganz doesn't like the way the stock market's been gyrating and he thinks the hedge fund wave is about to crest. hell, no. i think he's a hundred percent wrong. we haven't even gotten close to that point yet. hedge fund demand is coming from individual investors which is why it's gaining mainstream acceptance. you know ganz. he gets paranoid when anything goes mainstream. he started making auf wiedersehen noises but i managed to talk him into a private equity portfolio instead. to the tune of 155 mil. i think she's one of the temps. i'm moving into a new house. do i look like a man who wants a divorce? thanks, but i think i'll stay married instead. about what? well, that just proves he's got `em all fooled. well, it was nice to meet you, lisa sheridan. good luck with your next job -- damn. almost made it. hey, little man. what's wrong? you should be. uh oh. poopy diaper. beth. whew. what's that woman been feeding you? toasted kyle -- but i've saved the most important toast for last. to my beautiful wife who i love and adore more than anything in the world. yeah? give the magic mirror another test drive? lisa sheridan, girl temp. where's patrick? grab your pad and follow me. how's that? it's like that in most companies. they think people are more inhibited in front of their spouses, less likely to kick back and enjoy themselves and mingle with co-workers, which is what the party is about. just the opposite. no, it's perfect. well, it's monday and first thing on monday. took care of what? thanks. three years in march. it's kind of a tradition. well, it took a little more than roses. we need to run some calls. ( well, it's just that most of the temps we get here. no. definitely not. i don't know. it's shaping up to be a work weekend. in a sec. blame it on the new girl. patrick called in sick and i had a temp on my desk. honey, i don't control the temp pool. yeah, she's pretty. plain. actually, she did a great job. aside from the card. night. betty. you kidding? this is a treat. i'd love to but i'm all jammed up. but say hi to your sister. fwb? what does that mean? and sheila's got a problem with that? lisa, this is my wife beth. beth, lisa. she's temping for patrick. kyle, say hello. actually, most people think he takes after beth. that was intentional. what do you mean? so? well, she probably didn't know when to come in. how would i know? i only have eyes for you. b come on. i'll walk you to the elevator. you can say hi to the old gang. alright. you two behave yourselves out here. no. stay. i was just gonna take this back to my office. most people i know don't cry over nothing. uh huh. what are you allergic to? boyfriend trouble? ouch!!! that's pretty cold. how long were you together? nothing wrong with you. your boyfriend's a fool, that's all. maybe you just haven't met the right guy yet. actually, yeah. we both knew pretty quick. it does happen. why? no, really. if i was single. poor kid got dumped by her boyfriend. ben, if you're looking to start something with that girl. fuck off. i'll have to do it tomorrow. office party's tonight. yeah, santa. and he's coming soon. so eat. don't you know santa only brings presents to boys who eat all their food? no. be my guest. we used to cut loose here after a long day at work. you know, run the company by 35. jet by 40. retire to my private island and own the lakers by 50. not with me in charge. what? oh, i don't know. all right. one. what do you like? strawberry? that's mister office asshole to you. all those years watching soul train. why not? i'm sure everybody's glad you decided to show up. what do you mean "even me?" i'm your number one supporter around here. guess we'll just have to take that chance. with beth and kyle. i'm gonna take a piss and sneak out. are you out of your -- i only stayed for two drinks. morning. yeah. i'm fine. what? really? sorry i missed that. tell him he'll have it end of the day. you're working joe's desk? don't let him fool you. his bark really is as bad as his bite. yeah, go home. lisa. nothing happened. you really need to get out of my car. this is so not right. i don't know if you're just dense or what's wrong with you but i want you to understand something. there's nothing going on between us. i would never -- never -- jeopardize my job with a co- worker. get out! there's something i need to. tim. told her? yeah. that's tough. beth, you know i'd never cheat on you. tim's an idiot. forget it. just a little problem at work. there was nothing to tell. you think this is funny? what the hell did i do? i was nice to her, that's all. i didn't do a damn thing. thanks. you're a big help. report it to human resources. i don't have a choice. hi, connie. is hank in? i need to talk to him. hey, hank. well, it's sort of a personal matter. i need to talk to you about one of the temps, lisa sheridan. listen, hank, this going to be a little awkward. well, i just thought she was unqualified, sort of in over her head. but if she already quit. yeah. no. i guess not. new house is great. a smile) couldn't be better. i will. listen. we'll have you and kathy over some night when we're more settled. she quit. yeah. looks that way, doesn't it? hans? derek. how was your christmas? well, you people invented it. you got the prospectus? great. look it over. i think it's gonna be a happy new year for all of us. i'm just gonna check my e-mail and come to bed. it's already tomorrow in berlin. ganz was supposed to send me his approval. that's probably him. nothing. i gotta get a new spam blocker. how could i forget? i had a hangover for a week after. no, just the usual suspects. joe says it's going to be a male bonding experience. hopefully, they'll all get drunk and crash early. or if i'm really lucky. drown in the jacuzzi. i will. i didn't order this. i'm fine. just thought i saw somebody. speaking of beth, i said i'd give her a call before she puts kyle to bed. i'll be right back. hey, honey. it's me. they're all getting wasted. any minute now, joe's going to suggest the jacuzzi. why did you come here? lisa, you need to leave. i'm not coming to your room. you're crazy. sick. you need help. stay away from me! beth, i'm sorry -- no. you've got to get out of here! leave! you've got to go! just get the hell out. fuck. fuck. fuck. sorry. overslept. she's here. lunch? what do you think this is? it didn't happen! that's exactly what we right. a scene. need. what i should have done last night. taking you inside to tell joe and the others whatever you want. they'll know you're out of your mind. godammit! yeah! that's exactly what i am. a stranger, a person you don't know. now either go inside and tell them your bullshit lies or get the hell out of here. how else do you look at somebody who sickens and repulses you? i don't care what you do or what you say. what goes on in that twisted mind of yours. it doesn't matter because the truth is, there's never going to be anything between us. so go ahead, lisa. do your worst. not tonight, man. i'm sticking to ice tea. i know how it sounds but, yeah, that's pretty much it. there was no affair. maybe i was too nice to her, said something she took the wrong way, i don't know. all i know is i did not lead her on. none. i don't even know how she got in my room. doesn't that prove she did this on her own? she never had a key. how is she? you think i encouraged it? beth. stop it, beth. you know i never said those things. if i did, it wasn't intentional. i was passed out. drunk. nothing happened. i love you, beth. i love kyle and the life we have together. i would never do anything to screw that up. this girl is disturbed. she's seriously disturbed and for some reason, she fixated on me. i don't know. she's crazy. i know. at first i thought it was no big deal. and then. i was just embarrassed. i didn't know how to explain it to you without looking. i said i was wrong. what? don't do this, beth. you'll make yourself sick. honey, i know i screwed up. beth, don't -- there was no impropriety, joe. this is just the sick fantasy of a very disturbed girl. there was no sexual harassment. if anything, i'm the one who was sexually harassed. goddamit, joe, if there's an injured party here, it's me. that's not going to happen because there's nothing to find out. but ganz is my client -- she obviously ordered the flowers for herself. my secretary keeps all my personal information on her computer. lisa must have accessed it when she was working my desk. more? you can't possibly believe this. there's got to be something i can do to protect myself. my family. why not? well, i can't say i'm unhappy to hear she's gone. maybe now she can get the help she needs. "four little ducks went out one day. over the hill and far away" come on, honey. samantha knows what to do, don't you? no way. do you know how hard it was to get these reservations? come on, we agreed. this is an important night. and i am not gonna waste you in that outfit. she looks fantastic, doesn't she? everything's gonna be fine. lock this. we'll be back by ten. yeah. it's been awhile. i need you to believe me. i keep telling you i didn't do any thing to regret. i know. i'll go on-line tonight and order the tickets. unless you think you should take him alone. someone was here? inside the house? how long since she was here? kyle. he doctor says he's fine. now what? am i supposed to go out and buy a gun or something? no, but she could have. is that the message she's trying to send? it's all right, it's all right. who are you calling? you're not. she won't be there. beth, why are you doing this? make sure you set this. it can't go on much longer. they're bound to pick her up soon. ( yeah? thanks. hi, honey. everything okay? what's wrong? i'm gonna be stuck here pretty late but i could drive down after. are you sure? all right. say hi to your dad and tell your mom everything's going to be fine, i love her. and call me when you're leaving the house. good. did you set the alarm? lisa? beth -- beth. tell me baby-- are you hurt? it's gonna be okay, honey. we're gonna be okay-- and i love you-- 157: you know. christen the new house. because i'm gonna have fine shag carpet tattoos all over my -- watch it, girl. he's married. i knew there was a reason i promoted you. no offense, ben. coward. sorry but you set me up. uh huh? beth, you are so bad. ready when you are. okay not your typical temp. start with phil trendle at emerson. set up a lunch for end of the week. wherever he wants but push the water grill. then terry mills at imagio. am i going too fast for you? i don't care. i want her fired immediately. santa! ( bye, kyle. say hi to santa for me. oh, you are so slick. ever miss it? you know it's going to take more than the flu to keep me away from that christmas party. ( i'm starting to think there's something wrong with me. hang in there. it'll happen. hey, i'm a happily married man. and so are you. ( kyle, i want you to eat this. still the best burger in town. and the best margarita. back in the day. how's that boyfriend trouble coming? i wasn't sure i was going to come tonight. maybe a quick one on the cheek? if we don't, people will really suspect there's something going on. what are you doing? hey, who's there? don't do this. wait. where are you going? you've got the wrong idea! come on. dance with me. how was the party? no. ( what are you -- we both had a few drinks. just forget it. l lisa, get out of my car! beth? honey? nothing i can't take care of. they're yelling for me to come back. ( beth, i'll call you later. how did you know i'd be here? later! come back later! we woke up a little grumpy this morning, didn't we? we didn't do anything last night. lisa! ( i can't believe this is happening to me. it's like a nightmare. sorry. bad joke. this is. none of this ever happened. i was never at her apartment. i never even touched her, let alone did any of this. so. there's hope? i am telling you. you did. ( nobody called me. ( she was in our house -- alone with our son. i got her home number from patrick. what's wrong? legoland? oh, that. that was beth's doing. she's not handling this very well. derek's just waiting for the right time to tell her he's leaving. ( i really don't care whose dick you sucked last night. i have to go. or did you just forget to take your meds? ( please. i'm sorry. hello. no. beth, i spoke to reyes. are you okay?