i couldn't help but notice we're both going to seven. i thought you might. why? do i look like a client? just here for the day. i'm beginning to think these heels were a big mistake. no. i'm taking these files to mister charles' office. they said it was this way. i guess you probably know him. that's derek charles? the good ones are always married. good night, mister charles. don't worry. i'll get my revenge. and by the way, you might like to know everybody who works here strongly disagrees with you. about derek charles being an asshole. they all say he's the nicest guy in the firm. and he's humble, too. i'm lisa, by the way. lisa sheridan. actually, they're keeping me on a few more days, so i'll probably see you on monday. hi. remember me? out with the flu. i did some trading with the other temps and wrangled your desk. i hope that's okay. i put a memo on your desk about the christmas party this friday. why don't they invite spouses? to the christmas party. it says "for employees only." so, does this party get pretty wild? well that's no fun. fire away. i took care of that. on mondays you always send your wife a dozen long-stemmed red roses. i called to confirm they've been delivered. i think that's incredibly sweet. how long have you two been married? and you still send her flowers every monday morning? lucky girl. patrick said you started sending them back when beth worked here as your assistant. is that how you won her heart? does that surprise you? i think you'll find i'm not your typical temp. no. go faster. i can handle it. do you need me? excuse me. it's great to meet you, mrs. charles. eyes lighting up) and this must be kyle. i can already tell he's going to grow up to be a heartbreaker. what a handsome boy. he looks just like you. talk about the perfect family. the three of you should be on a magazine cover. he is. but i like it. i'm learning a lot. joe gage needs to see you when you get a minute. it was great to meet you. beth. lisa. it's lisa. you said laura. not sure we can say the same for marge. poor thing called in with a fever. i'm way too devious to ever get caught. besides, i thought all you assistants listened in. how long have you worked here? sorry. i thought everybody was at lunch. it's nothing. you think i was crying? this is just my allergies. men, apparently. actually it's more like they're allergic to me. it's stupid really. this guy i've been seeing just calls and dumps me. middle of the day. no warning. no explanation. just "i don't think we should see each other anymore." two months. small laugh) actually, it was one of my longer lasting relationships. i don't know what it is but sooner or later i just seem to scare men off. i wish i could believe that. i'm beginning to think all the good ones are taken. d is that how it was with you and beth? love at first sight? she's got it all. perfect husband, perfect child, perfect marriage. oh, yeah. right. but you're not. i know. you're just trying to make me feel better. and you have. this seat taken? really? work hard, play hard. right? keep moving forward, right? how about you, derek? what's the grand plan? a margarita? c'mon big talker. it's christmas time. works dead -- rocks. salt. i'm impressed. you can dance. well, it's not like i've been here that long. even you? uh oh. coward. why? oh, come on. oh, patrick, you're such an old queen. good morning. bad time? joe wants to know if you're done with the ganz portfolio. thanks. just for today. light laugh) he's a real screamer, isn't he? i owe you an apology for the christmas party. i think i sort of took you by surprise. all right, have it your way. nothing happened. why? relax. nobody's around to see us now. god, i almost went insane today, didn't you? having to go pretend like i was concentrating on work when all i could think about -- derek, what's wrong? what did i do? i can always tell from the pained look on your face when you're talking to beth. i've got my sources. slight frown) what's wrong? you don't look happy to see me. you said you could never be with someone you work with. that's why i quit. so we could be together. or what? you'll make a scene? one of us has to take control and i guess it's me. so you go back, say your good nights to the boys and i'll be waiting in my room. 610. would you rather i came to yours? i know. i need help. help me, derek. all right, derek. you play your games. . and i'll play mine. shhhhh. hush, baby. morning. what are you talking about? derek, come on. why? you worried somebody's gonna catch us? i thought you might need an excuse to get out of there. how about some lunch? it's gorgeous outside and i made a reservation at -- the morning after? but you can't remember, can you? derek, not so loud. you'll cause a scene. what are you doing? why are you trying to ruin this? don't say that. what's wrong with you? you're acting like a stranger. you think you can use me, then throw me away? i'm not some piece of garbage, derek. i'm a human being. come in. i'm sorry i'm such a mess but they won't let me take a shower or wash my hair. apparently i'm still on suicide watch. well, still a bit groggy from the medication. but it isn't stopping me from feeling ashamed for all the trouble i've caused. have you spoken to derek? and he's all right? derek. why? then why did he send these? really? a few hours ago. they're lovely, aren't they? didn't derek tell you? there's not a lot to tell. we got together at the hotel and you can guess what we did. of course. he's just being a gentleman, trying to protect me. the next day when derek told me his wife wouldn't give him a divorce and that we could never see each other again, i guess i over reacted. he was thinking about his little boy, kyle. what the breakup might do to him. he's not even two, you know. my parents broke up when i was pretty young. it leaves a scar that never really heals. i'm not a home-wrecker. i'm not stealing him away. their marriage is dead and beth is in denial. it can't be easy to find out that the man she loves is in love with another woman. i just hope she doesn't do something foolish. strange smile) you know the old saying. "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." lisa's left town. she was released in the custody of an older sister yesterday. her sister flew down from san francisco and took her back. lisa's agreed to check herself into a neuropsychiatric hospital up there. hi, i'm beth's friend allie. she's expecting me. out? what? beth told me to drop by. that's strange. oh well, i have something for kyle. i'll just run up and give it to him. oh, i won't wake him. but i'm here right now. why should i. oh, i see. just doing your duty. good girl. you know what, let me call beth. thanks, samantha. nice meeting you. she took him! she took my baby! patrick, don't be such a drama queen. i thought we were friends. well? no! he doesn't love you! i'm the one he wants! why can't you get that through your head? please. beth. please. i'll go. i'll leave. i swear i'll never bother you again. derek! derek! oh, derek, thank god! please.