all right, mister charles, let me get this straight. e) this affair. so she just. made it up in her head? with no help from you? and you had no idea she'd be at the hotel? apparently she told one of the housekeepers she was your wife and lost her key. all it proves is she lost her key. look, mister charles, i don't care if you were or weren't banging this girl. i just need to get your version for my report. let's just say i wouldn't like to explain a situation like this to my husband. they pumped her out in time. doctor says she's groggy and disoriented. probably tomorrow they'll move her out of icu and up to the fifth floor for a psychiatric evaluation. all suicides are put on 72 hour hold, it's standard. as a matter of fact, she was lucid long enough to give the doctor a name to call in case of emergency. he wrote it down. here. miss reynolds? i'm monica reyes. i'm a police officer assigned to your case. how are you feeling? do you feel like talking about the other night? yes. relatively speaking. i'm afraid that's not possible. miss sheridan, i don't think mister charles wants to speak to you or continue any kind of contact. he sent you flowers? when did these show up? can you tell me what happened at the hotel, why you were there. i'd like to hear your version. derek denies it. i see. go on. noble? so you believe mister charles is in love with you? l what's that? you take it easy now. we'll talk again. with your credit card. there's more. this is a print out of lisa's blog. it's sort of a diary she was keeping. you can read them for yourself but i should warn you they're a little. x- rated. according to those entries, you're quite the accomplished lover, mister charles. and you made promises to her, promises to divorce your wife and marry her. whether i believe it or not is irrelevant. the only thing that matters is that she believes it. you could file a restraining order. but that may not be necessary. apparently lisa stole her sister's id to buy a ticket and board a plane to la earlier today, then used her sister's credit card to rent a car. the sister didn't even know she was gone until a few hours ago. she said lisa had been doing well in therapy. she didn't know she checked herself out this morning. we will. she violated the restraining order so we can arrest her. look, mrs. charles, i know you're upset. i'm a mother, too. exactly the same as you. she didn't physically harm him. beth? is everything alright here?