sweet. you know, you guys had one job to do. are you accusing me of booby- trapping? that's right. done. thirty seconds all right? now. not quite. is danny here? be good working with professionals again. okay: go. what the hell. just jumping into the shower, can you come back later? shit. we're in deep shit. the damn demo crew didn't use a coaxial lynch to back the mainline! onioned the mainframe couplet! blew the backup grid one by one! like dominoes! they did exactly what i planned to do. only they did it by accident. now they know their weakness. and they're fixing it. so unless we decide to do this job in reno, we're screwed. we could use a pinch. a pinch is the equivalent of a cardiac arrest for any broad-band electrical circuitry. or better yet: a pinch is a bomb. but without the bomb. every time a nuclear weapon detonates, it unleashes an electromagnetic pulse which shuts down any power source within its vicinity. that tends not to matter in most cases because the nuclear weapon destroys everything you might need power for anyway. now a pinch creates a similar electromagnetic pulse, but without the headache of mass destruction and death. so instead of hiroshima, you get the seventeenth century. about ten seconds. las vegas? but there's only one pinch in the world big enough to handle it. pasadena. then there'll be two of us who need saving. no need to yell. i'm there. just give me a minute. then give me thirteen seconds. ready. one. two, three. four, five. six, seven. eight, nine. ten. viva las vegas. a little bit of semtex should do the trick.