am i late? mr. santaniello, i apologize if i kept you. i had to iron out a few issues with my fight promoter. i gave him an unlimited budget, and he exceeded it. we hope. magnificent! i've been following her for fifteen years now. at last i've made her a home. all the arrangements and so forth. not mine. she belongs to everyone who comes into my hotel. isn't that right, ms. ocean? she's lovely, isn't she? i can't be the only one who was after her. ah, but this. you can't put a price on beauty. but i shouldn't philosophize. i own casinos, after all. of course, of course. i like that you like it. i have some bad news from the world of high fashion. it seems mike tyson will be wearing red on saturday night. red trunks with a white stripe. and you, as i recall, will be wearing a red donna karan? and when the tv cameras pick us up in the front row, that red dress. he's a charming man, but no one's going to be watching him when they can make a study of you. i've asked paolo to find three or four things for you to try. i hope you're not too disappointed. are you sure? i'll see you tonight. in my hotels, there's always someone watching. actually, i do like it. eddie. anything for me? who is he? zerga? never heard of him. he's staying here? how's he doing? good for him. mr. weintraub. how's everything? and here i thought you were drinking vodka. mr. zerga. you're the guest, sir. i'd love to, mr. zerga, but the gaming board would feed me to my white tigers. no shame at all. reminds me of my youth. yes. i can get you seats. i'd be happy to put it in the house safe for you. i can assure you, the house safe is utterly. what are you doing? mr. ocean. forgive me for being late. a guest required my attention. is that right? 'of all the gin joints in all the world' you've been in prison until recently, isn't that right? how does it feel to be out? there's the human condition for you. stay for a drink, if you like. well, then i don't imagine we'll be seeing you again, mr. ocean. i know everything that happens in my hotels. the towels you can keep. don't be. good to see you. i hope there's as much dynamite in the paradiso as there will be in this saturday's fight. yes. yes. no. very much no. then inform mr. levin he'll find a better view of the fight in front of his television. surely he must have h.b.o. what are you thinking about? any sign of ocean? put a guy on him. he's here for a reason. i'd like to know what it is. but if he comes anywhere near tess, take it to the next level. mr. zerga. it's a very busy night for me. are we on schedule? it's a nice evening. shall we wait outside? find mr. walsh. tell him mr. ocean's in the west slots. i'm afraid i can't allow my private security personnel inside the casino cages. i hope you don't mind. they're very beautiful. a gift. can you lift them out, please? alright, mr. zerga. i acknowledge that the case does not contain any dangerous or illicit material. i further agree to take custody of your case for a twenty-four hour period to store in our secured vault. while i cannot permit you to accompany the case to the vault. insurance, for one. security, another. and i don't trust you. mr. zerga, this is mr. walsh, my casino manager. if you will allow, he will arrange for your briefcase to be stored inside our vault while you watch on a security monitor. those are my terms. yes or no? mr. zerga. yes? of course. anything for the if he is who you say he is. charlie. call over ramon escalante. you new at the commission? i know hal lindley over there. you work with him at all? mr. escalante. would you come with us, please? i think it's better if we talked off the floor. you alright? please show this man off the premises. don't step foot in my casino again. mr. wills, if you don't mind. mr. wills? you know how to get back out? thank you. what the hell was that? the first goddamn round. you gonna answer it? see who's on the other end. who the hell is this? what the hell is going on down there in the vault? show me. i'm afraid you're mistaken. jesus christ. find out how much money we have down there. alright. you've proved your point. you've broken into my vault. congratulations: you're a dead man. may i ask: how do you expect to leave here, hmm? do you believe i'll simply allow you to parade bags full of my money out my casino doors? and why would i do that? make the call. okay. you have a deal. you have a deal. he's in the casino right now. now what? sir, i have complied with your every request, would you agree? good. now i have one of my own. run and hide. if you get picked up next week buying a $100,000 sports car in newport beach, i'll be supremely disappointed. because i want my people to find you. and rest assured: when they do, they won't hand you over to the police. run and hide. that's all i ask. get everyone in position. i want my vault back before that van hits the tarmac. where's zerga? mr. zerga? with the briefcase? do it. what's the situation down there? tell them to take the van. i'm going down there. find out how they fiddled with our cameras. yes. take your men out now. walsh: how are we with the van? yes? and? shit. what, walsh? what?! what do you mean there was no money in the bags? walsh, cue up the tape of the robbery. does it say 'bellagio' on the south wall of the vault? we had that installed on tuesday. the image we saw of the men robbing us was a tape. someone built a double of my vault, then made a tape of them robbing it. when we saw them putting money in those bags, that wasn't actually happening. ocean. where's ocean? open that door. wake him up. did you have a hand in this? did you? get him out of here. stop there. where. is. my. money. i would say yes. escort mr. ocean to the exit. and contact the police. i would imagine mr. ocean is in violation of his parole. no. follow him. everywhere. tess. tess?