good morning. daniel ocean. as you say, ma'am, i was never charged. my wife left me. i was upset. i got into a self-destructive pattern. she already left me once. i don't think she'll do it again just for kicks. i don't know. how much do you guys make a year? my wife's. i'm a free man. hello, frank. my mistake. table's cold anyway. thanks. ramon? this afternoon. you seen him? you kidding? i just became a citizen again. that would be criminal. casinos. oh, yes. soon. interested? yes, officer brooks? my name is danny ocean. i'm just out, i'm supposed to check in with you within twenty-four hours. no, sir, i haven't gotten into any trouble. no drinking, no sir. no, sir, i wouldn't even think of leaving the state. the bouncer mentioned there was a game in progress. i hope i'm not intruding. i don't remember. why should i mind? two cards, please. i just got out of prison. i stole things. gallery. headmasks. some. my fence seemed confident enough. some people just lack vision. well, that's all behind us now. i raise you five hundred dollars. what? your girlfriend holding your purse? contrary to what mr. ryan may say, seth, i always check my cards before i make a bet. but be cafeful. i could tell from your face you're holding three of a kind or better. five hundred to call. and two grand more. thanks for the game, fellas. hey, i hate to ask this, but could you sign something for me? it's for the guys in the joint. they just love all your shows. unprofessional. why do you think i came to see you first? ten grand. half of it's yours. i've got something better for you. it's tricky. no one's ever done it before. needs planning, a large crew. not loaded ones. it has to be very precise. there's a lot of security. but the take. eight figures each. when's the last time you were in vegas? the vault at the bellagio. yep. these feed into the cages at both the mirage and the m.g.m. grand. but every dime ends up here. yes, they are. think he'll mind? like what, you think? as long as we're hitting these three casinos, we'll get our bankroll. terry benedict has a list of enemies. aha. so. uh-huh. so what are you saying? really? i thought it was much harder than that -- jesus, oscar, lower it a little, will ya? yeah, thanks. you mind if we borrow a couple drawings for the night? make some copies. 'preciate it. why not do it? because yesterday i walked out of the joint wearing my entire wardrobe and you're colddecking teenbeat coverboys. because the house always wins. you play long enough, never changing stakes, the house takes you. unless, when that special hand comes around, you bet big. and then you take the house. a little. did i rush it? it felt like i rushed it. it's never been tried. reuben, you're right. our eyes are bigger than our stomachs. thank you so much for setting us straight. sorry we bothered you. it was our pleasure. the bellagio, mirage, and the m.g.m. grand. what do you have against him? that's the real question. that's why we've got to be very careful. we have to be precise. we have to be well-funded. frank c. is in. frank c. has developed a bad case of bronchitis and is putting in for a transfer to warmer climates. what about drivers? the mormon twins? electronics? how are his nerves? phil turentine. no shit? on the job? you send flowers? basher. so he can walk on a rope. so he can juggle. we need a grease man, not an acrobat. who else is on the list? who else? we need saul. he get religion? you can ask him. and saul makes ten. ten should do it, don't you think? you think we need one more? you think we need one more. okay. we'll get one more. hi, linus. sit down. a friend of bobby caldwell's. sit down. bobby told me about you. said you were the best set of hands he ever saw. didn't expect to find you working wallets on the subway. you're either in or out, right now. a plane ticket. a job offer. bobby has every faith in you. you do this job, he'll be trading on yours. we'll get someone else who won't be quite as good. you can go back to feeling up stockbrokers. that's the best lift i've seen you make yet. america's playground. gentlemen: welcome to las vegas. everybody eaten? good. everybody sober? close enough. most of you know each other already. you probably haven't met linus caldwell before, he's bobby's kid outta chicago. okay. before we start, nobody's on the line here yet. what i'm about to propose to you happens to be both highly lucrative and highly dangerous. if that doesn't sound like your particular brand of vodka, help yourself to as much food as you like and safe journey. no hard feelings. otherwise, come with me. gentlemen: the 14000 block of las vegas boulevard. otherwise known as the bellagio, the mirage, the m.g.m. grand. together, they're the three most profitable casinos in las vegas. gentlemen: the bellagio vault. located below the strip, beneath two hundred feet of solid earth. it safeguards every dime that comes through each of the three casinos above it. and we're going to rob it. courtesy of frank catton, new blackjack dealer at the bellagio, security tapes from the three casinos. okay. bad news first. this place houses a security system which rivals most nuclear missile silos. first: we have to get within the casino cages -- -- which anyone knows takes more than a smile. next: through these doors, each of which requires a different six-digit code changed every twelve hours. past those lies the elevator, and this is where it gets tricky: the elevator won't move without authorized fingerprint identifications -- -- and vocal confirmations from both the security center within the bellagio and the vault below - - furthermore, the elevator shaft is rigged with motion detectors -- once we've gotten down the shaft, though, then it's a walk in the park: just three more guards with uzis and predilections toward not being robbed, and the most elaborate vault door conceived by man. any questions? the nevada gaming commission stipulates: a casino must hold in reserve enough cash to cover every chip at play on its floor. as i mentioned, this vault services each of the three casinos above it. that means: during the week, by law, it must hold anywhere from sixty to seventy million dollars in cash and coin. on a weekend, between eighty and ninety million. on a fight night, like the one two weeks from tonight, the night we're going to rob it, at least a hundred and fifty million. without breaking a sweat. now there are eleven of us. each with an equal share. you do the math. oh, right. sorry. i forgot to mention that. yeah. alright. here's how we'll begin. first task: reconnaissance. i want to know everything that's going on in all three casinos. from the rotation of the dealers to the path of every cash cart. i wanna know everything about every guard, every watcher, anyone with a security pass. i wanna know where they're from, what their nicknames are, how they take their coffee. most of all, i want you guys to know these casinos. they were built as labyrinths, to keep people in. i want you guys to know the quick routes out. second task: power. on the night of the fight, we're gonna throw the switch on sin city. basher, it's your show. third task: surveillance. casino security has an eye and ear on everything, so we'll want an eye and ear on them. livingston. why do they paint hallways that color? uh-oh. well. fourth task: construction. we need to build an exact, working replica of the bellagio vault. something like that. fifth task: intelligence. we need those codes, linus. from the only man who has all three. learn to love his shadow. sixth task: transport. for now. you gotta walk before you crawl. sixth task: transport. power, surveillance, transport. get your wallet. it's armani, saul. saul, you sure you're ready to do this? you're ready. there's a little over twenty grand there, saul. try to make it last. bought you a fresh roll. good luck, lyman. 29:47. everything okay in there? what is it? ex-wife. it's not. about that. entirely. you said you needed a reason. well, this is mine. when we started in this business, we had three rules. we weren't gonna hurt anybody. we weren't gonna steal from anybody didn't have it coming. and we were gonna play the game like we had nothing to lose. well, i lost something. someone. that's why i'm here. if things go to plan, i won't be the one who has to make that choice. how'd she look by the way? tess. hello, tess. i'm out. of prison. you remember. the day i went for cigarettes and never came back. you must have noticed. they said i'd paid my debt to society. you're not wearing your ring. my last day inside. benedict? whiskey and -- -- whiskey. you're doing a great job curating the museum. the vermeer is quite good. simple but vibrant. although his work definitely fell off as he got older. and i still get monet and manet confused. which one married his mistress? right. manet had syphilis. you don't know how many times i played this conversation out in my head the last two years. yes. you were never easy. okay. i'll make this quick. i came here for you. i'm gonna get on with my life, and i want you with me. i only lied about being a thief. but i don't do that anymore. lie. no, he's very clear on both. year and a half. i only have one? does he make you laugh? you can't. but what you can do is not throw away another five years. listen, you don't love me anymore, you want to make a life with someone else? fine, i'll have to live with that. but not him. i'm not joking, tess. yes. but that doesn't mean i'm wrong. you said: you better know what you're doing. i know what i'm doing. catching up. danny ocean. i was shocked myself. imagine the odds. about the same. everything you want is still on the other side. i just wanted to say hello. for old time's sake. -- i can't. you never know. so i should put those towels back. good seeing you, tess. basher. what happened? so. by tomorrow? what -- is a pinch? could a pinch take out the power of an entire city? like, i don't. where? you two ready? what are you doing? we got it. let's go. wait a minute. where's linus? there he is. he knows where we are. alright, back it up, back it up! c'mon, c'mon. i say stay in the van, you stay in the van, got it? 'cause you lose focus for one second in this game, and someone gets hurt. this is a problem. who told you to do that? my wife. this isn't your call. this is my job. pops, you won. try to keep your tongue in your mouth. i'll just be a moment. tess. i just came to say good-bye. good-bye. be good. i thought he might. how much longer do you think mr. benedict will be? no cameras in this room, huh? don't want anyone seeing what happens here? he's not coming, is he? who is? i guess mr. benedict didn't like me talking to his girl. jesus, bruiser, not 'til later. s'okay. how's the wife? then we better get to work. you didn't really think i was gonna sit this one out, did you? i do now. crawlspace. and i had to give away a couple mil. you think the kid bought it? bobby caldwell threw me into the pool first time. least i could do is give his kid a push. well, where's the fun in that? c'mon: yen's got about three minutes of air left. who do you like tonight? tyson or lewis. you looking for action? a buck it is. livingston, we're set. never. you? now! no, but you're sweet to ask. not yet. okay. i'm sure he's fine. there's a chinese man with a hundred sixty million dollars behind that door. let's get him out. okay. counting down from twenty -- -- now. -- seventeen, sixteen, fifteen -- -- eleven, ten, nine -- -- one -- i don't know. -- and someone gets hurt, yeah yeah. i don't hear yen complaining. do it. amazing? good-bye. heya, benedict. how's the other fight going? did i have a hand in what? you get robbed or something, benedict? geez, that's a shame. what would you say if i told you you could get your money back. . if you gave up tess? what would you say? well, that's very interesting. . but i didn't have anything to do with it. i knew what i was doing. three to six months, i should think. thirteen million and you drive that piece of shit cross country to pick me up? your eyes got closer together. how's life? to a phone. my what? i'm not sure these belong to me. we need to find rusty a girl. you said you sold this. liar.