d-don't, don't-don't. touch. it. do you see me pulling the gun out of your holster and firing it? trick or treat. well, it's not the least accessible system i've seen, but it's close. i don't suppose they have a closed-circuit feed i could tap into? then this is definitely a black bag job. do they employ an in- house technician? fine, thanks. thanks. make it a sawbuck. i'll explain later. yikes. we have a problem. you've been red-flagged. it means the moment you step on the casino floor, they'll be watching you. like hawks. hawks with video cameras. okay. we're a go. rust, can you come here a sec? deep breaths. you'll do fine. no sweat, kid. you're a rock. now don't fuck up. you get no tip. his head blocked the last two numbers. we missed it, linus. you gotta grab the combination yourself. bash, what's your status? bash! what's your status? oh shit. almost there, kid. going to video now. basher, we're set. we don't have a minute. yen's gonna pass out in thirteen seconds. then hit it. one second. i thought you got kicked out? this tape's from last night. same guards, same. shift. no bet. shit. there's still the five pins and the floor sensor. not much we can do about that from this side of the door. but from this side. linus, can you read me? linus, do not blow the door, you're about to kill yen. 9-1-1. emergency response.