bernie? alright. who's here? that's a problem. i thought they let him out to do that h.b.o. thing in vancouver. not the one from -- i quit watching when kate left don after his accident. good evening, guys. let's play some cards. and let's play some cards. why you bet a certain way is your business. but you have to make them think you're betting for a reason. understand? seth. you know what you have. looking at them doesn't change them. leave 'em where they are and make your bet. you're showing. yeah, i know she's your girlfriend, barry, but you can't. thank you. josh. deal to your left. you got me. let's take a little break. it's been the longest hour of my life. i'm running away with your wife. what's this? what was his name, the bouncer's? a card player with amnesia. this should be fun. barry, you're showing again. incan matrimonial headmasks. don't let him fool you, seth. there's boatloads. if you can move the things. one card to me. . but you can't. if you're dealing with cash, you don't need a fence. probably everybody in cell block e. i should hope so. guys: day one: what's the first rule of poker? that's right. my friend here just raised me out of pique. today's lesson. how to draw out a bluff. this early in the game, that much money, i'm thinking he's holding nothing better than a pair of face cards. seth, raise him. tophe. indeed. but be careful you don't push him too high too fast. want to keep him on the leash. i call. all you have to do is call. guys, you're free to do what you like. it's a lot of money. but i'm staying in. he's trying to buy his way out of his bluff. we call. shit. sorry, guys. i -- i was sure he was bluffing. that was, that was just. how was the clink? you get the cookies i sent you? you barge into my new workplace, ruin my professional reputation, least you could do is tell me you've got something better for me. how's tess? alright. tell me. guns? what's the target? what's. the. target. what? you wanna knock over a casino? if i'm reading these right -- and i think that i am -- this is probably the least accessible vault ever designed. oops. actually, you know what, i'm wrong. it's definitely the least accessible vault ever designed. you said three casinos. the bellagio, mirage, and. these are terry benedict's places. more than somewhat. you'd need at least a dozen guys, doing a combination of cons. well, off the top of my head, i'd say you're looking at a boesky, a jim brown, a miss daisy, two jethros, and a leon spinks. oh, and the biggest ella fitzgerald ever. where do you think you're gonna get the money to back this? but does he have enemies with loose cash and nothing to lose. aha. reuben. so, here's what i think: you should take this plan, kick it around for a week or two. sleep on it. turn it over in your head. then: never bring it up to me again. i'm saying: this is like trying to build a house of cards on the deck of a speeding boat. i need a reason. and don't say money. why do this? you're been practicing that speech, haven't you? no, it was good. i wonder what reuben will say? you're right. he's right. that's exactly it. pure ego. i'd never been to belize. say, you know, he's right. what are we doing, reuben? alright. who's in? i talked to the malloys yesterday. they're both in salt lake city, six months off the job. i got the sense they're having trouble filling the hours. livingston dell. livingston's been doing freelance surveillance work of late for the f.b.i. mob squad. okay. not so bad you'd notice. munitions. dead. sun cancer. dated his wife a while. we may be too late. isn't that right, basher? peck, a.t.f. let me venture a guess. a simple g4 mainliner, double-coil, backwound, quick fuse with a drag under 20 feet. that's our man. tell me something else. have you checked him for booby traps on his person? i mean really checked, not just for weapons. will you go find griggs and tell him i need to see him? just go find him, will you? how fast can you put something together with what i passed you? from when? ten seconds? around the corner. everyone down! get down! there's a bomb in the. more than that. he is the list. watch. there's your grease man. he won't come. he swore off the game a year ago. ulcers. i can ask. how ya been, saul? what's with the orange? so why don't you take vitamins? i got a box seat. come on. i thought you drank bloody mary's at the track, saul. who we rooting for here? saul, you're the best there is. you're in cooperstown. what do you want? guys like us don't change, saul. we stay sharp or we get sloppy, but we don't change. that your hound way in the back there? it's a little more complicated than that. -- here, here, and here -- -- which we can't fake -- -- which we won't get. -- meaning if we manually override the lift, the shaft's exit will lock down automatically and we'll be trapped. no. tunneling is out. there are richter scales monitoring the ground for one hundred yards in every direction. if a groundhog tried to nest there, they'd know about it. anyone else? that's what i said. without being seen by the cameras. two. and one of them is lonely. thanks, charmaine. i'll have it back within the hour. say hello to your mom for me. they say taupe is very soothing. yeah. for practice. reverse that. okay. tell me about benedict. what do they talk about? and that portfolio contains the codes to all the cage doors? -- his brother-in-law's tractor dealership, i heard. you scared? only in the morning. now what? where's she come from? tess. her name is tess. but what doesn't beat the shit out of being a circus performer? tell me this isn't about her. or i'll walk off the job right now. tess. she's with terry benedict now. tell me this isn't about screwing the guy who's screwing your wife. tell me. here's the problem: we're stealing two things now. and when push comes to shove, if you can't have both, which are you gonna choose? and remember: tess doesn't divide eleven ways. i've seen her happier. saturday day is yours. do whatever you like with it. call is at five-thirty. makeup and costume. saul's package arrives at seven-fifteen, and linus grabs our codes. all goes well there and we're a go. seven- thirty virgil and turk deliver yen and we're committed. from that point, we have thirty minutes to blow the power or he suffocates. once the electricity goes, all entry points to the vault and its elevator will automatically lock down for two minutes. that's when we make our move. okay: they've put you in the middle of the room, far from everything. you have to get from here to the door without touching the floor. what do you do? we could -- for how long? you boys have a nice trip? saul: time to get out. now! you have any idea how this happened? i did. i knew you couldn't leave tess alone. ex-wife. i'm sorry. i didn't know if it would sting you, but it did. you're out, danny. it's that or we shut down right now. his involvement puts us all at risk. you made it my call. when you put her ahead of us. you made it mine. not anymore. kid, you up for it? find everyone else. let 'em know the change in plan. curtain goes up at seven. where you gonna put your hands? no. not the pockets, either. and don't touch your tie. look at me. that how you gonna stand? wrong again. i ask you a question, you have to think of the answer, where you gonna look? death. you look down, they know you're lying -- -- and up they know you don't know the truth. don't use three words when one will do, don't shift your eyes, look always at your mark but don't stare, be specific but not memorable, funny but don't make him laugh, he's gotta like you then forget you the moment you've left his sight, and for god's sakes whatever you do, don't under any circumstances -- sure thing. you ready? linus. you're up. okay: when do you make the deposit? amazing: how's it feel? you alright? want something to read? magazine? okay. i'm counting down. thirty minutes of breathing time starts. now. did you make it out? he's got it. virgil, turk: deliver your package. that's my cue. give basher the go. someone called for a doctor? hell, i think reuben bought it, and he knew we were screwing around. you sure about this? he's gone. livingston, we're set. may i have a word with mr. benedict, please? the man who's robbing you. you're watching your monitor? okay, keep watching. in this town, your luck can change just that quickly. maybe. no. you're gonna carry it out for us. take a closer look at your monitor. as your manager's probably reporting to you by now, you have a little over a hundred sixty million in your vault tonight. you may notice: we're only packing up about half that. the other half we're leaving in your vault, booby-trapped, as a hostage. you let our eighty million go, and you get to keep your eighty. that's the deal. you try and stop us, we'll blow both cash loads. mr. benedict: you can lose eighty million dollars secretly tonight or you can lose a hundred sixty million dollars publicly. it's your decision. hi. he's fine. he wants you to go upstairs, and watch tv. it's alright, tess. i promise. good. here's what you do. five minutes from now, the men in the vault are going to deposit six bags in the vault elevator. if they meet anyone, we'll blow the money in the bags and the money in the vault. one minute after that, the elevator will rise to your cages. six of your guards will pick up the bags and carry them out into the casino. if they take more than twenty seconds to reach the casino floor or if there's any indication a switch has been made, we'll blow the money in the vault and the money in the bags. of course, i'm in the casino. in fact, i'm staying in your hotel. and i have two words for you: mini-bar. now as soon as your guards hit the casino floor. a white unmarked van is going to pull up in your valet station. your guards will load the bags into the van's rear. if anyone so much as approaches the driver's door, we blow everything. now, when i get word that the van hasn't been followed, that the money is secure, my men will exit the building, and once their safety is confirmed, you'll get your vault back. i would. yes? prepare to cut power! las vegas p.d. this is officer brooks, new jersey probation division. i have a violator in your jurisdiction. hit it. looking for someone? hello to you, too. your hair's grayer. life. is a roomful of pillows. c'mon. where do you want to go first? i stopped and picked up your personal effects, put them in the back seat. there's a women's prison just down the road. 120: ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 2. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 3. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 5. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 6. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 7. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 8. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 9. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 10. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 11. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 12. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 12a. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 12b. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 12c. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 12d. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 12e. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 14. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 15. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 16. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 21. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 23. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 23a. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 24. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 25. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 26. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 28. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 33. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 35. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 36. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 37. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 38. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 40. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 41-43. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 51. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 52. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 53. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 56. ocean's 11 - rev. 3. 30. 01 58. ocean's 11 - rev. 3. 30. 01 58a. ocean's 11 - rev. 5. 31. 01 62. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 64. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 67. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 69. ocean's 11 - rev. 03. 20. 01 70. ocean's 11 - rev. 03. 20. 01 70a. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 01 71. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 73. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 74. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 75. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 78. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 79. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 80. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 81. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 82. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 83. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 84. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 85. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 86. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 87. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 90. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 91. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 92. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 95. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 96. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 97. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 98. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 100. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 101. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 103. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 104. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 105. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 105a. ocean's 11 - rev. 3. 30. 01 107. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 111. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 112a. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 115. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 116. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 117. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 119. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 120. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 121. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 124c. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 132. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 137. ocean's 11 - rev. 4. 16. 01 141a. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 142. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 143. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 145. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 145a. ocean's 11 - rev. 10. 24. 00 146. ocean's 11 - rev. 1. 8. 01 148.