'radiant' is the word. absolutely radiant. he painted it in the summer of 1912, after the break-up with fernande olivier. you can see the conflict. he makes her both erotic and grotesque. he's hopelessly drawn to her, and yet she drives him crazy. mr. benedict is never late. not at all, mr. benedict. allow me to introduce to you mr. jean santaniello. here it is. yes, mr. benedict. you like it? oh? i see. what? we're alone. i'll see you tonight. you're thirty seconds late. i was about to send out a search party. danny. what are you doing here? you're out. i don't smoke. don't sit -- funny, i never got a check. i sold it. and i don't have a husband. or didn't you get the papers? i told you i'd write. danny. go. now. before. danny. remind you of anyone? monet. they also painted occasionally. did it always go this poorly? sounds frustrating. you're a thief and a liar. steal? i'm with someone now who doesn't have to make that kind of distinction. nice. work on that for two years, too? do you know what your problem is? you've met too many people like you. i'm with terry now. he doesn't make me cry. see, the kind of people you steal things from, they have insurance to compensate them. they get made whole again. i had to leave new york to get away from what happened. how do i get my five years back, danny? you don't know anything about -- spoken like a true ex-husband. i'm not laughing. you have to admit there's a conflict of interest when you give me advice about my love life. do you remember what i said to you when we first met? do you? now? because -- truly -- you should walk out the door if you don't. terry, meet my ex-husband. danny was just walking through the restaurant and spotted me. terry, danny was just about to. he can't -- take care, danny. i'm sorry -- you. danny: no. i'm having you thrown out of here. you're up to something, danny. what? and don't say you came here for me. you're pulling a job, aren't you? well, know this: no matter what it is, you won't win me back. i can't afford it. oh. then. good-bye. good-bye, danny. i don't have a cell phone. it isn't mine. hello? it's for you. where's danny? he does? hello? you of all people should know, terry: in your hotel, there's always someone watching. wait! danny. i'm sorry. i didn't. how long will you be? sure they do. that's what i said. thief.