you're out of your goddamn minds. are you listening to me? you are, both of you, nuts. i know more about casino security than any man alive. i invented it, and it cannot be beaten. they got cameras, they got watchers, they got locks, they got timers, they got vaults. they got enough armed personnel to occupy paris. okay, bad example. oh, it's been tried. a few guys even came close. you know the three most successful robberies in vegas history? number three. the bronze medal. pencilneck grabs a lockbox at the sands. he got two steps closer to the door than any living soul before him. second most successful robbery. the flamingo '71. this guy actually smelled fresh oxygen before they got him. course, he was breathing out of a hose the next three weeks, goddamn hippie. and the closest any man has gotten to robbing a las vegas casino. outside of caesar's in '87. he came, he grabbed, he got conquered. but what am i saying? you guys are pros, the best. i'm sure you can make it out of the casino. of course, lest we forget, once you're out the front door, you're still in the middle of the fucking desert! yeah yeah blah blah. look, we all go way back. i owe you from that thing with the guy in the place, and i'll never forget it. give dominic your addresses, i got some remaindered furniture i wanna send you. just out of curiosity, which casinos did you geniuses pick to rob? those are terry benedict's casinos. you guys. whadda you got against terry benedict? he torpedoed my casino, muscled me out, now he's gonna blow it up next month to make way for another fuckin' eyesore. don't think i don't see what you're doin'. you gonna steal from terry benedict, you better goddamn know. this sorta thing used to be civilized. you'd hit a guy, he'd whack you. done. but benedict. at the end of this he better not know you're involved, not know your names, or think you're dead. because he'll kill you, and then he'll go to work on you. yeah, you gotta be nuts, too. and you're gonna need a crew as nuts as you are. who do you have in mind? what, you guys get a group rate or something? you're bobby caldwell's kid, huh? from chicago? it's nice there. you like it? that's wonderful. get in the goddamn room. anything i can do? this looks familiar. where'd you get this? danny! tell 'em not to touch the rolls! where are they? that's what i want to know. where are they? 'they'll be here.' thanks a lot, fidel. who's tess? he's out?! but, but. he can't just be out. who's gonna take his place? good evening, marcel. my nieces and i would like a table. something quiet before the fight. quick as you can. the meter's running here. yeah, pal, well only if you take your thumb out of your. hey: you have any idea who i think i am? enough monkey business.