hey! hey, rusty! hey, i don't know if you're, uh, you know, incorporated or anything, like rusty ryan. and, i don't know, incorporated, but you should think about it, really, 'cause i was talking to my manager yesterday -- no, not bernie, i mean not, not that bernie, my business manager, he's also bernie, he was telling me that since this, what we do, could be considered research for, you know, a future gig, that i should be able to write it off as a business expense. so he suggested that it'd be better if i wrote you a check, and thereby -- or, or we could keep it cash. josh is here. seth is here. david couldn't make it. he's got two weeks of reshoots on lusitania because somebody just figured out forty percent of the budget is coming from germany. barry is here. couldn't work the dates. oh, and he brought his girlfriend. uh-huh. a hundred bucks to me. ah, what the hell. pocket change. call. hey, rusty, we got another player, if that's alright. no intrusion at all -- what do you do for a living, mr. ocean? if you don't mind my asking. really? really. seven to me. plus three. what the hell.