tom. anybody can be a tom. tom. stop calling me "boy". could we use a remote device to trigger the panel? crazy freak. no worries. let me see the specs. how tall is the surface of this roof? how tall exactly? then i'll have line-of-sight. for nineteen hours. here's the order in which they have to be done. it is cheating. it's kind of embarrassing. i can't imagine anything like that. bolivia. yeah. i told him about you. somebody must know this bloke's name. either way, he's got to have a name. at least we saw him in the flesh. you'll never see this guy your whole life. he did his first big job in 1989. bundesbank, berlin. he was nineteen years old. bank faltier, paris 190 and again in '91. total take twenty-one million euros. bank of italy '92. eighteen million. danish treasury, also 192. twenty-two million. he in moretti. it's one of his aliases. udc bank in geneva, `94. nineteen million in bearer bonds. the louvre --'95 and twice in '96. he left a post-it note on the mona lisa that said "bitch set me up." in 2000, he stole the king of morocco's 230 foot yacht. vanished into thin air. crew surfaced a few days later in a life raft. couldn't remember a thing. if the king knows, he's not telling. he received it back a month later. until a month ago interpol were convinced that the heists were the work of twelve different people. but not any more. scotland yard said he's the new lemarc. did we forget to mention he's a viscount? spain. his title. it's spanish. mother's cousin. he used the word "amateur"? it's about reputation. you said so yourself. we have to get that certificate to evelyn's buyer or-- one score, for the whole thing? that's just. that's. what is that? that's great, except we can't get it. not since we first got here. about an hour ago. "this time it's personal". so i think if you really analyze it, you can see that it's inevitable. it's time for us to evolve, en masse. i have to help bring that about whatever way i can, you know. otherwise, the trajectory is fixed. you know what i'm saying?