naples sucks! they're a joke! the only decent player they have is pasqualli -- and he's a pussy. italian cop 1 pasqualli runs circles around bologna's backfield every time. italian cop 2 pasqualli could single-handedly-- isabel turns to the officer who escorted her in. yes, absolutely. yes, absolutely. i think it's very beautiful. why, don't you like it? ms. lahiri, you're in italy now. we are a sovereign nation. we're not some adjunct, some administrative district of the eu. when europol calls we don't jump up and tap dance for you. if you want to work in italy, then you have to do it under italian authority. and that means you have to talk to commander andriotti. who, i'm sure, will be happy to meet with you some time next week-- --when he returns from vacation. what's that? it's good, yes. okay. that's a very nice blouse you wear today. she is. yes, absolutely. hey, no problem. good seeing you, man.