miguel diaz speaking. how many can't make the deadline? how many think if they run, they'll be found? good. amsterdam!? reuben. what's this? oh, i don't know. it's not that ba- sure, linus. evelyn. absolutely. okay, then. so are we. yeah. only what i have to do to get benedict off our backs. how's work? i'm sorry. i keep trying to figure out what i did wrong. how did he find us? i did something wrong. he should never have found us. i love you. be polite, but firm. if animals were capable of flattery, the world bank would be open until 8pm. linus. why don't you wait outside. is that your idea of making a contribution? the deal was this close to being blown. you called her mother a whore. a document. a very old, very valuable document. the first one ever issued, from the first corporation on the planet. the dutch east india trading company. it's the only one of it's kind and it's worth a boat-load. there's a dummy key pad by the front door. but the alarm is really controlled by the keypad in mr. vanderspeigle's second floor office. now, here's good news: we already know the system's master code. evelyn gave it to us. yeah, well. that's the bad news. he's agoraphobic. it's hard-wired and shielded. and it's covered by five independently-wired surveillance cameras. something wrong? yeah. but. right. try me. what? what? listen: don't say anything. if you're ever going to run your own crew, you've got to remember to never show weakness. if they think you're slipping, you won't even see it coming. the swinging priest? crazy larry. robinov's revenge? the soft shoulder. baker's dozen. hell in a handbasket. i can't have my wife watch me hauled off in handcuffs again. this like running toward a cliff. speaking of which, how's isabel? you get the tattoo removed? what are you doing? oh. nice. took a few more for me. augie one, this is condor. we're fully cranked here. let's go to phase two. wait! wait! shhhh! yeah. what the hell are you doing? no. listen, we have to come to some arrangement. just give us the stock certificate. whatever else you took out of that safe. it's yours. he says. lemarc. right? it's not a problem, it's a hiccup. it won't affect our schedule that much. i want to talk about you, not the job. how are you doing? tess, i've got to call you back. coming. of course we know who he is. this is what i was talking about. this is exactly what i was talking-- her father. very. we've got to slow her down. but first: we find our french friend and introduce ourselves. the fifteen million dollar one the day the berlin wall fell? wait -- prado museum, the picasso -- that was moretti. personal information? what? all right, moving on, is there anything else we need to know about this guy before we-- a what? last time i checked titles like that went out with a little number i like to call the french revolution-- what? he may be the greatest thief in europe. he may have slept with half of the eu. he may be a casanova with the soul of a starving artist. it doesn't matter. there's something he cares about. there's something he can't live without. other way around. nice to meet you. edmund. you a tennis pro? that's awful. listen, francois-- we came here for the vanderspeigle certificate-- your degas is worth three times that. you want your painting back, you're going to have to trade. yes. all right, let's stay calm. we don't need to over-react here. he said some disrespectful things, that's true. but why antagonize this guy? why get into something with him? he's young and he's filthy rich, and he's got time on his hands. we don't want to become his betty noir. we can just fence his painting and earn a lot more than we would have from the certificate. we'll make enough selling the degas to pay off her buyer-- saul? we got ten million in that closet. i cash in the degas, take a moment to think about our next move. toulour isn't going anywhere. you guys are hyping him too much, you're letting him get inside your head. that's not how i want to go. why are you doing this to us? this is a game for you. for us it's survival. are you that bored? i mean. what kind of wager? here's what i'm going to do. you tell me the name of your mentor. i'll call him up and i'll tell him that you're the greatest thief in the world. that i accept that to be true. and in return. you leave us alone, let us go about our business. how about that? this mentor of yours. was he a good thief in his day? yeah. him. no. it's going to be settled by one more job. a single object. we can't. because we beat him, he'll pay benedict off. it's the only thing in lemarc's entire career that he went after but failed to get. he tried three times. we get the egg and we're free. then we go to jail. what am i looking at? saul and linus back yet? no? seen rusty? what? more importantly, what kind of reception is the italian police giving her? what's he doing now? okay, take it easy over there. what happened? thanks. you sound confident. doesn't matter if you're that good. are you that good? do you? that's fantastic. listen, i appreciate the call, and, best of luck. you're telekinetic, is that what you're telling me? what, what happened? "someone he knows. someone he trusts" "someone he knows" for instance? she might. it's not going to be easy getting her over here. yes, you can. you do, tess. you really do. i never told you that before, but it's true. nobody's looking at your ears. i couldn't. because you're not an actress. you wouldn't have been so real. i'm not going to jail. you're a terrible liar. where did benedict find you? at your parent's house. exactly. no, nothing like that. we just came to collect our money. what happened? well, we'll be in touch to make all the arrangements. feel like traveling? yeah.