we stole that money fair and square. you bought people off to find me. you took advantage during an economic downturn, and made them say some shit they shouldn't have said. it's not fair, it's not just, and it aint' cool. see, you're not hearing me. what i'm trying to tell you is the reservations agent made a mistake when she issued the ticket, because on the rare occasions that i fly commercially, i always book a first- class ticket with no restrictions-- now, listen: don't make me get black. that's not good news, that's really good news. just. don't call the guy a freak, okay? we can't tilt a whole house. when? jay leno called. bring that orange juice. we let you in the house! somehow you got in after we hit the code but before we got to the door. he said he got here first. it's going to get out, you know. people are going to find out. i believed him. i'm not saying anything, but the man was sitting there, waiting for us. great. we need to teach him a lesson. then why did you make that trip down there in the first place, if you didn't want to get into something? hell, this could go on forever. now we're talking. what? well, i don't know, but that's one nasty lock. we thought he was with you. look, if we're having this much trouble, and we've got ten guys toulour must be pulling his hair out. are you back on? reuben, what are you doing?