let's discuss, briefly and to begin, with the category of "thieves", as distinguished from the larger category of what might be termed "hardened" criminals. the highest level, "master thieves," if you will, is a very small world. between six and ten high-level crews are operating in europe at any given time. worldwide, no more than twenty. the most famous, gaspar lemarc, is either dead or retired, and the expectation is that no one will replace him. the good news is the trend is toward their extinction. for example: anecdotal evidence suggest these people are personally insufferable. their egos demand constant praise, and they embellish their exploits to anyone who will listen. they tell their own stories endlessly, provided of course, they are talking to a fellow thief or an intimate. those who interact with them on a personal level are relegated to positions of total servitude, with no chance for growth or freedom. their lives are treated as secondary. many of them suffer from depression. it's a crime for which there is no law, and yet causes untold damage. that's impossible! i hope the scene hasn't been contaminated. no forced entry. no, that would have triggered the system. they had to have known the code. there are other ways to get the code. closed loop. redundant servers. titanium encasement. not bad. uh. well, they probably set up in a house across the canal and watched him type the code in through a pair of binoculars. that's why they probably set up over there-- it's where the crossbow bolt hit. ever heard of franz schuman? they would have fired from that roof. through this open window. not a cop, anyway. sorry. your friend downstairs put me in a bad mood. yes. you're right. when did he get up and notice the certificate was gone? but the alarm would have been-- there was someone else. oh, i wish i could've have seen that. that must have really been something. i'm sure there's another scenario that would fit these physical details, but i don't know what it is. you can start by picking that guy up. can i speak to him? oh no. i just need to speak with him. to get some information. i'm sure. i only need a moment, then i'll be out of your way. hello, robert. is it? because you've been seeing a lot of me lately. you were sitting in a mercedes outside my apartment on wednesday night. you were hiding in the bushes when i had lunch yesterday at trattoria bella. this one. i'm not even sure where this one was taken, but i like it a lot. very ron gallela. i mean, if i didn't know better i'd think you all came here to steal the vanderspeigle getuigschrift, also known as the world's first stock certificate. you must have been so proud of yourselves. a schuman special. it's been awhile. that was a very handsome crossbow shot, eugene. and the palowski. whose idea was that? oh. i know you didn't. somebody beat you to it. one man. no crew. no back up. tell me something -- just so i can get the full picture in my head -- was he wearing a tuxedo? a white dinner jacket? so you know who he is? well, then. i'll see you when you see him. to get your certificate back. i don't have twenty-four hours. they're there now. they'll lead me to him. yes. let's share a car. i can't believe they won't make an exception. i've got to find out who this other guy is. why do i need to see all these guys? when i tracked the munch down in sweden i got all the approvals i needed with one phone call. i'm going to need surveillance on both hotels, phone taps, room bugs, people in the lobby and by every exit. if i had to guess i'd say i'll need at least 25 people, a dozen vehicles. and an on-call air unit. okay, one more thing, and this is crucial: these guys are extremely, sophisticated at avoiding electronic surveillance, so we'll need real state of the art stuff. okay. good. now what time am i meeting captain giordano? no, what time? i see. so. you've spoken with the pope and he's okay with autographing my breasts? jesus, robert. i could've killed you. i hope so. what are you doing in my room? no, thanks. please don't. why do i want to have coffee with you? she hated you. she hated everybody. you'll never get it by the way. you'll think you've got it, you'll be so close that you'll be able to taste it and then this guy, the night fox or whoever he is, will just take it -- right out of your hand -- just like he did in amsterdam. he's as good as lemarc. you're in a bubble. what are they talking about? reason to believe these men. . are going to try to steal the coronation egg when it is actually put on display next week. i need official authorization to surveil and pursue these suspected criminals on italian soil. and i'll need substantial resources from your department. can i count on that? so, captain, what do you think of my skirt? next week! vacation. we both did. i'm exhausted. hi, this isn't official business. actually, i'm here on vacation. but i was sitting in a cafe this afternoon, near the piazza navona and. the police were chasing someone on foot. i was just wondering if you caught him or. do you know anything about that case? oh. excuse me. um. did i? i think i saw you. yesterday. the police were chasing you. i'm quite sure it was you. hello. what are they talking about all the time?! stop it. an order signed by commander andriotti instructing you to "provide any and all support that agent lahiri requests, whenever she requests it." another camera here and here. and have a guard here at all times so any attempt to disable the system will be detected. all your ir devices need to be fitted with reflective faces otherwise a uv later can be used to burn the sensors out. what do you want? i don't even think toulour can get it now. what is your obsession with zanzibar?! i'm hanging up. stop calling me. when did that happen? i don't understand, why do you have to disable any of the systems-- she's an actress, giovanni, not the pope. that's exactly the sort of thing. that the people i'm after will exploit. okay, fine. you want to shut down half the electronic system, let me post eight cops in the room. what happened? what are you saying? what the hell are you saying? where are you going? when people start talking the way you're talking there are only two possibilities: you're either in intelligence or you're a criminal. and no one i work with has ever worked with you. or even knows your name. robert. no, robert. i have to tell you something. i'm taking the job. i'm moving to amsterdam. he doesn't respond for a moment. you want to walk? i know how you're planning to do it. i know julia's visit is the key. lemarc knew when to get out. he just quit. with his perfect record intact. now he's a legend. don't do this. you don't know why lemarc retired, any better than i do. you have no idea. really? how's that? you know lemarc? since when? for how long? you-- you knew lemarc? you knew lemarc and never told me? that's the worst thing you've ever done to me. nobody knows more about lemarc than me. how could you do that? really awful. then why aren't you as good as toulour? i don't want to arrest you, robert. i really don't. but i will if you make me. i will if you go for that egg. so many times, i waited. you can't do that to a person. i have to go. i want to be on record as saying that you should have shut the entire museum down. there! right there! this isn't going to work. i am. what the-- oh my god! i hate you. this will ruin me. what is it with zanzibar? you're asking me to turn my back on my whole life. i'm a cop. that's who i am. who died in a russian jail. what does that mean? gaspar? that was my fa-- 115: