i'm responsible for myself. i have my own life and my own plans. i've never asked for anything but a fair shake. we make a deal, i stick to the deal. ground level. first floor. day one. planning stages. planning stages. hey. you guys have a minute? well, i know this may not be the exact right time to bring this up, but i've been thinking about. well, about where i want to be in five years, career-wise, and i've decided i really want to be more than just a role-player. i really see myself as kind of an idea man, like you guys. i mean, i know you do your part and you're in the trenches with us and all, but it's really your show, and like i said, five years from now, i want to be running my own show. so if there's any opportunity for me to be involved in the, you know, planning stages of things, i would really appreciate it. i really feel like i'm ready for more responsibility and that i could really make a contribution. are you serious? this isn't some gag? wow. yeah. that would be awesome. man. i wasn't sure if i should say anything. now i'm glad i did. great. thanks. really. you won't regret this. look, you guys no frills, no perks, run-and-gun, all that stuff, and i said no problem because i believed you were right that we shouldn't go deeper into debt and spend money we don't have. i mean, am i the only one who thinks this might actually be a good thing? that we could use a little humility? that maybe we were a little too pleased and impressed with ourselves after the benedict job? okay, i grant you that maybe this isn't what we deserve, but maybe it's what we need. we can do this. no, i take it back: we have to do this. right. i won't. o let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dreams. i am a traveler of both time and space, to be where i have been. "deal?" what "deal?" guys, i'm not falling for this. i'm not. thanks. okay, here's something. i've got an idea. suppose we-- well, but how-- what? what's a schuman special? can i talk to you guys for a second? listen, i've done a little research on the schuman special, and uh. we don't have line of sight for the shot. she steals the money from mr. mulroney. to pay franklin to keep quiet. we've incurred some very serious costs here. well, we have. do you think the cops even know who this guys is? who's lemarc? "robert?" is that his real name? how does she know that? was he good? some say he's one of these guys that thinks because he was born in a penthouse, he controls the elevator business. others say he turned out okay when you consider how rich his parents were. father was a big-time industrialist, got into the cellphone market on the ground floor. mother inherited. had maids as a child. he's a public figure, people know who he is. he's been rumored to run for office in spain, even though he doesn't appear to live there. he's an avid golfer, pro-level tennis player, and inveterate gambler. but apparently his favorite pastime is. he's rarely alone. i think it's a compulsion. i have a list of names here. it was just the first week. what? we thought someone was following us. when dominique goes back with thomas to check the trunk, the money shouldn't be in the briefcase. franklin should have double-crossed them. she just walked in there like patton or something. she's changing. everything and-- there were so many cops with her. i've never seen so-- i don't understand. if her father was a thief. why's she such a hardass? i mean you'd think she'd have a little sympathy for us. what do you want? i can't do that. did you tell dad? looks down at his copy of the french fhm. puts his magazine away. he's completely drunk. the backpack kid nods his head. linus goes back to his book. we drop down to see his backpack also beneath his feet. we thought someone was following us.