how many people here tonight were stupid enough to have children? flight 144 to amsterdam. uh. there must be some mistake. i mean. unless. is your first class section in the back of the plane? how'd he get that seat? how could he lie to us like that? what do we know so far? so he's never been out of his house? ever? can we tap into the system from the outside through the phone lines? absolutely. i mean, i'd need a day to-- your shot has to hit directly above the keypad. and he only had a crew of six. so, basher approached me about being on a crew. yesterday. when are you gonna stop with that tired "white people can't be funny stuff"? it's so old, frank, really. do you want some orange juice? i got the good kind. this is augie one; go condor. if the situation were reversed-- the question is who trained him. he got into that place alone. it can't be that hard to find out who this guy is. like i said, somebody trained him. who trains the best? ex-girlfriend. who's hat is that? he's not done. tell them about saint tropez. the french national police just gave him a nickname. "le renard nuit" -- the night fox. viscount. as in nobility. who? because of pride? what do we have to do? i mean, is it a fair bet or is it like. the coronation egg or something? a tr354 infra red motion detection system. it's the gold standard. no. and i can't find rusty. no, that won't work either. the ir will pick it up before you even get close. damn-it. --there's no mirror thin enough to avoid tripping the lasers. we did it! it works! i'm telling you, with everything she's done in the last twenty-four hours. unless you happen to be best friends with the head of security at the museum, unless you are someone he knows and trusts enough to leave alone in the gallery, after disabling about half of their security system, forget it. we are not stealing that egg. all in all, it was depressingly familiar. the forced camaraderie, the hollow smiles. scared to take a moment's reflection. scared to imagine a different life. we behaved like boys. but. i'm livingston dell. thanks for listening.