i really think you're being too sensitive. she's crazy about you. i can tell. joyce, she's ninety-two. i'm all she has left. the wheelchair thing was an accident, she's having some trouble with the joystick. i'll adjust it. i told you, when her mouth hangs open like that, that means she's happy. i am. when are you coming over? so i'm smarter than those schmucks on wall street. whose fault is that? i wanted to wish you luck. and listen: i want to do something for you. take it. take it. this is the least i can do. i've got a friend who owns the bellagio of amsterdam and i've made reservations for all of you there. it's all taken care of. it's the least i could do. i love you guys. enjoy. there's make-up in the bag there. and some photos. do the best you can. ms. roberts is very tired!! please let her through! please! you're a photographer. very exacting. you want things a certain way, but you never raise your voice. you're uncompromising. strong. oh, we understand each other. i'm mean, the actual words are gibberish to me, but i know what he means. there's a tone, you know. we communicate. i'm sure he'd tell you the same thing. am i right? my name is stuart feldman, worldwide executive senior vice- president of marketing, corporate senior vice-president of publicity and corporate international executive worldwide president of promotion for the warner brothers motion picture company. my colleague, grant wells, who is responsible for ms. roberts itinerary, has graciously set aside time for ms. roberts to view the coronation egg privately. julia -- unless you have any objections -- wen and his crew set up for the publicity stills. i was thinking maybe we could get you and topher into some "you always you never" hats and t-shirts for the shoot-- so stupid! idiot. maybe we could put some posters in the background-- i completely agree! stop trying to turn this into some sort of stunt. may i look at that when you're through with it? is opposite him. they are both being served for lunch by a jacketed waiter, whose face is continually obscured. that's the exact figure, i'm pretty sure. so we're clean? i'll take your word. these grudges, they're awful. nobody wine. this way, there's no need for retaliation. why would there be? more than plenty. it's just a matter of sharing. it is. waiter? can i get sparkling water? it's good for my acid reflux.