you are kidding me. 736.18 degrees fahrenheit, felix. i watched it. i want what i paid for. no, felix, no. i paid for pure. and if my workshop were on top of mount everest it would be pure. but i'm at sea level, felix, and at sea level it should liquefy at 736.95. if it's pure, that is. which this isn't. let me ask you something: when christo calls his cotton supplier and asks for 100% cotton cloth, do you think his supplier sends him 98% cotton and 2% polyester and when that doesn't work, says to christo, "well, you should have told me you were going to wrap the coast of australia"? felix, you're in a shame spiral. have your assistant lose my number. we're on the five o'clock. amsterdam. fine, then stay here! that's very touching, reuben. call me an elitist asshole, call me a bourgeois clown, call me anything you want, but 'economy' is bullshit. what's on your mind? are you thinking what i'm thinking? we're negotiating the terms with her tomorrow. you feel up to taking the lead? no gag. we're here to listen. the sign said 'the bellagio of amsterdam'. she'll try and use her looks to distract you. don't let her. don't get soft on us. don't make too many concessions. a doctor who specializes in skin diseases will dream that he has fallen asleep in front of the television. later he will wake up in front of the television but not remember his dream. her terms were scandalous. and we were lucky to get them after what you said. "playing along!" a really cheap one. it's a privately owned home. but don't let that fool you. it's extremely well-protected. a stock certificate. 2.7 million after expenses. he doesn't. not once since he moved in ten years ago. cracks his windows at night. that's about it. negative. it's a closed-loop system with two redundant servers locked into titanium cases in the guy's bedroom. the street in front of the house is blocked off to vehicles. monitored 24-hours a day by a security company. no. there's a goldmann grid over the enitre surface. --well, that's different. especially if we-- a schuman special. livingston-- you'll have three. basher? virgil, turk. yen? clock's running. you're not going to believe this. we don't have line-of-sight. we tried everywhere. some places we're only three or four inches off. but. there's no straight shot. even with basher. it's literally impossible. jesus. this'll kill us. it's like blood in the water for these guys. but hey--thanks. i need some air. not enough time. too many variables. too many obstacles. not enough people. we'd need a woman. can't train the cat that quickly. it's always about you, isn't it? i have no idea what you're talking about. given its location, my doctor advised against it. we're here. tilt it. raise it slightly. it's only a few inches. exactly. not true. palowski did it in `64 in venice and `73 in istanbul. there are thirty pylons. we cut them, insert the jacks, and crank. the good news is, after the first twelve hours, i stopped being able to smell anything. this water was stagnant six hundred years ago. this is our score. we don't. hey. mouth. please. that guy's never even seen a cop. if he's not dead. who is it? isabel. it's great to see you. we didn't steal anything. --i was just checking up on her. i knew she didn't want to see me. i was being polite. thief. she's passionate. her job is very stressful. anything else? scotland yard never saw lemarc. spit it out, linus. the criminal element is everywhere these days. he still wouldn't trade. i thought so too. carl faberge, the greatest goldsmith in history, constructed the coronation egg in 1896 for the wedding of czar nicholas and alexandra. every world class thief in the last 108 years has tried to steal it. no one has even come close. i'm older. i thought maybe we could get some coffee. okay, how about a two week trip to zanzibar? fine, coffee then. whatever you say. how should i know? sorry about your mom. well, she was nice enough to hide it from me. some people can't even do that. get what? it's not possible. would you call that bubble-shaped? she pulled a gun on me. i'm selling. she ain't buying. all right, okay. let's not be defeatists. what about that mirror trick that akimbo tried at the-- yes. oh yeah? you sure your eyes aren't broken? well, then i'm not gonna argue. can i buy you a coffee? we've got to stop meeting like this. soccer. he doesn't like naples. thinks they're a bunch of. sissies. can i ask you a question? will you come to zanzibar with me on friday? when she was twelve her mother told her that her dad got arrested doing a job in russia and died in jail. so i wouldn't count on much sympathy. ever heard of overkill? if he gets it, we'll let you arrest us. if we get it, you come away with me to zanzibar-- do you want to make the bet or not? what about someone he doesn't know but trusts? i'm talking about you know who, who looks an awful lot like you know who. i'm sorry. i have to go. right now. i have to leave the country. it could be a while. a month. maybe more. isabel turns to look at rusty. she can barely see the outline of his face in the darkness. i can't tell you. isabel stares at his dark face. you knew what i was the day you met me, isabel. we can talk about it when i get back. what is it? i can't have this conversation right now. please, isabel. i have to get out of here. i love you. he kisses her then leaves. who's julia? lemarc quit because he was 75 years old, isabel. he was tired. his doctor told him if he didn't start taking it easy he was going to have another heart attack. you're dramatizing it. actually, i do. i know exactly why. he told me. a little. ten years ago. for six months. i couldn't tell you, then. isabel-- i don't know what you're talking about. guys. get on there before they leave without you. thanks. thanks, scooter. i love you. no, it won't. not if you come to zanzibar. it's where lemarc is. that one's ours. we can be there in three hours. don't you want to meet him? he wants to meet you. would you miss it? you're only a cop because your father was a thief. according to you mother. it means you should meet lemarc. gaspar, it's rusty. how are you? fine, then stay here! there he is.