what it is about horses? i ask you. is it the strength? the beauty? the fearlessness? the grace? of course. but there's something else. something in the eyes. yes? you take visa? my business manager? fifty-five k? there's a fifty-five k? you made the seats smaller. can you just say that? you made the seats smaller. he can be a tom? you gotta make your own opportunities. this ain't a rehearsal. boy, you're tough. what are we after? doesn't this guy believe in fresh air? god, this guy really is a freak. i know, i know. i'll be bored. you'll be fine. about 87 feet. you want to do what? the whole house? it took three hundred guys two years to do that. you're crazy. nobody's ever done anything like this. really? counterfeiting? me? i have to tell you, it's not something i condone. it's cheating. there's no subtlety to it. no one i know. not bad. diego's people? well. congratulations. i'm too old. that's dangerous. my stuff is cheap compared to that. it's just me and my gal, you know. what you're talking about is organized. but thanks, anyway. this is gatsby. we're green here. you think he's better than us? you don't work with the cops unless you absolutely have to. and not even then. how did she-- that was-- she could reduce her stress by leaving us alone. hang on a second! he-- all of them?! how do you hide a two hundred foot yacht?! taxes over here are brutal. people don't realize. turn his name over to isabel. in exchange for getting off our backs. short of that. the only appropriate response is to steal his next job right out from under him. just like he did to us. lemarc. the lemarc. god hates me. he hates all of us. whatever it is, let's just let him have it. he wants us to steal the coronation egg! the holy grail. that's because it's cursed. it's un-stealable. it's not possible. we gave 'em the shake. caught 'em napping. is making his way through the door. he looks drunk. is almost to linus's row, he stumbles a little, almost falls. has fallen into the lap of the backpack kid. linus and the normal-looking guy try to help him up. mmm. yes. but i'm through evolving, i think. it's too tiring. i feel pretty evolved. you know, considering.