twenty minutes by helicopter. please. you are worse than sampras. you should be paying me. put them on the veranda and get them a drink. i'll be right up. rusty. are you sure? usually i'm so good at that. this is edmund. edmund. rusty. danny. sadly, i can't show you my favorite painting of all -- a degas that used to hang right there -- because it was stolen recently. please. call me baron. that's not for sale. you actually expect me to believe that you are in possession of my degas? you are living in a. in a bubble. no. very theatrical of you. asking to meet here. like we're spies meeting to do an exchange. doing what? no. i wouldn't do that. no. the truth is. i made a bet. or maybe a better word is a "wager". a gentlemen's wager with a friend of mine -- my mentor. a few months ago we were at his winter place in nicaragua and another guest referred to me as "the greatest thief in the world." i didn't object, obviously, but my mentor fell silent. later i asked him about it. he said if i really wanted to say i was the best thief. i'd have to prove i was better than the eleven of you. sorry. 163. before you were found. yes, 163 million is a lot of money. it attracts attention. so, in a way, you brought this problem with me on yourselves. you're victims of your own success. he said you'd probably say something like that -- but he said you'd probably have your fingers crossed when you said it. so in this situation -- for the purposes of my wager -- words aren't good enough. i have to prove this on the ground. who, lemarc? i don't usually call for a second date. for you i make an exception. i think it's good that we talk. you see, you should stop following me. you're wasting your time. i'm going to let you go first and get caught. then they will increase the security even more, and then i will steal the egg. then lemarc can make his decision. confident? this is a very american word. i am arrogant. there's a difference. i can move objects with my mind. you don't believe it? are you done stirring your sugar? danny. i'm serious. sit down, please. yes. but. it's a curse. a nightmare. everything is too easy. but then lemarc says i'm still not the best. so i take his challenge. and you will fail, and i will win, and so what? what does it prove? what is he trying to show me? put this in the safe, would you? guests? let me guess, you decided you did want to give my lawyer a call. but you lost his card. not only did you fail, half of your crew got pinched! your plan was not good. and you don't look anything like julia roberts! i mean your. . and your. . and your ears. oh, no. you stole it on the way to rome didn't you? i stole a replica. but that means you knew what to steal before lemarc proposed that i challenge you for it. that means. lemarc told you. of course. to teach me. no. don't go. please. you are my guests. i will celebrate your victory. besides, you may have noticed, i don't like to be alone. i am feeling more french by the minute. to my first depression. tess. danny. this is monica bellucci. we're thinking of taking a trip to the states. take a look around. we'd love to meet some of your friends while we're there. actually, one friend in particular.