well, then i gotta ask, then why can't the customers just take the specifications directly to the software people, huh? then you must physically bring them to the software people. is that your real name? are you in any relation to the pop singer? i mean you must really love his music. so tell me. what's your favorite song of his? the next paper looks like a peter gibbons. why don't you grab a seat and join us for a minute? space out? don't, don't care? i looked into it more deeply and i found what happened was he got layed off about five years ago and no one ever told him about it. but through a glitch in payroll, he still gets a paycheck. i went ahead and fixed the glitch. we always like to avoid confrontation whenever possible. the problem is solved from here on, then. i'll handle this. we feel that the problem isn't with peter. it's that you haven't challenged him enough to get him really motivated. all right, bill. let me ask you this. how much time each week would you say you deal with these tps reports? it looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately. well, these people here. first, mr. samir naga. naga. naga-worker here anyway! we're gonna bring in some entry level graduates for us to work in singapore, that's the usual deal. this is a big promotion, pete. and we'll go ahead and get some people under you right away.