hey guys. did you guys hear about tom smykowski? no, man, check this out. v. o) last week, after he found out he was getting laid off, he tries to v. o) but that wife of his comes home early from work early and found v. o) and then, as he's looking at her, he decides he wants to live. v. o) but then as he backs out into his driveway, he's slammed big time sort of. he broke both his wrists, his legs, a couple of ribs, his back. but check it out. he's gonna get a huge settlement out of this. like seven figures. he's getting out of the hospital this weekend and he's throwing a big party to celebrate. i'm thinking i'm gonna take that new chick from logistics. i might be showing her my o face. oh! oh! oh! you know what i'm talking about. oh! yeah. right. see you guys there. hey peter. that's something about old tom smykowski, huh? lucky bastard. hey, isn't that the girl who works over at chotchkie's? hmm, who's she here with? really? all right, peter! ooh! ooh! right on. make sure you wear a rubber, dude. are you kidding me? she gets around, all right? oh yeah. like a record. well, let's see. lumbergh fucked her. ah, let me see who else. lumbergh fucked her. lumbergh fucked her. lumbergh fucked her. i'm gonna see the o-face again. oh! oh! oh! ooh! ooh!