hi. how can i help you? well, our specials are barbecued chicken - it's actually right over there on the board. excuse me. oh, are you serious? yeah, i don't , i don't think i'm supposed to do that. uh, when you say "next door", do you mean chili's or flingers? ok. hi. i wonder if they will let me wear this in here. ok. wow. this place is really nice. oh my god, compared to chotchkie's. i like the uniforms better anyways. nah. (makes a face yeah. really. (laughs oh! that's, uh, that's uh, my pieces of flair. that's where you know, suspenders and buttons and all sorts of stuff. we're, uh, we're actually required to wear fifteen pieces of flair. quite stupid actually. yeah. yeah. although i didn't actually choose these. i, uh, i just grabbed fifteen buttons and, uh, i don't even know what they say! y'know, i don't really care. i don't really like talking about my flair. so, where do you work, uh, peter? and, uh, what do you do there, peter? nods) what's that? you're just not gonna go? won't you get fired? laughs) so you're gonna quit? when did you decide all that? really? ok. so, so you're gonna get another job? laughs) so what are you going to do about money and bills? laughs) so what do you want to do? i love kung fu. totally. ok. ok. can we order lunch first? ok. i'm sorry. i was late. i was having lunch. really? i have 15 buttons on. i, uh, (shows him ok. ok. ok, you want me to wear more? yeah. ok. so, more then? yeah. yeah. ok. hey, what were you guys celebrating last night? so you're stealing. ok. so you're gonna make a lot of money, right? ok. that's not yours? how's that not stealing? from the crippled children?! oh, for everybody. ok. yeah. it seems wrong. yeah, but i'm not about to go in and start taking money from the register! what?! ok. hi. oh, what if you get caught? oh, i, i, i, i just don't know if this is such a good idea. what?! what are you - oh! all right, lumbergh. peter! what is wrong with you? that was like to years ago! what, do you know him? oh, he's not that disgusting. that is none of your business, ok? i didn't ask you who you slept with before we were together. i don't care! listen to you! who do you think you are? how dare you judge! do you think you're an angel or something? no! you're this petty, stealing, wannabe criminal. man! ok. that's it. i'm done. i want to get out of the car. stop. i wanna get - why don't you call me when you grow up? oh, wait, that's probably never gonna happen so just don't call me, all right? yeah? my, uh, flair. umm-hmm. huh. what do i think? let me tell you what i think, stan. if you want me to wear thirty-seven pieces of flair like your pretty boy brian over there, then why don't you just make the minimum thirty-seven pieces of flair? yeah. yeah. y'know what? i do. i do want to express myself. ok? and i don't need thirty-seven pieces of flair to do it. all right? there's my flair! and this is me expressing myself. there it is! i hate this job! i hate this goddamn job and i don't need it!! hey. no, no, i got fired. i flipped off my boss. and some customers - actually a line just happened to be standing there, so. peter, most people don't like their jobs. but you go out there and find something that makes you happy. oh shut up. i hate that guy.