it's late again. if i'm there late again, i will be dismissed. uh, they said i could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven while i'm collating…. i, i told bill that if sandra's going to listen to her headphones while she' working, i can listen to the radio while i'm collating - so i don't see why - the radio, i can't - i enjoy listening to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven. i, i don't care if they, if they lay me off either, because i, i told bill that if he moves my desk one more time, then, then i'm quitting. i'm going to quit. and i told dom too because they've moved my desk four times. i used to be by the window, where i could see the squirrels and they were merry. but then they switched from the swingline to the boston stapler, but i kept my swingline. they have my staples for the boston and i kept the staples from the swingline stapler. and if, if they take my stapler, i will, i will set this building on fire. uh. sir. no, no, because i was, i was - no. sir. no. no. ok. i'll set the building on fire. i, i, i, i, i didn't receive my paycheck this week. i, i did and they, and they said - no. i. i. no. no. no. no. but. but. but. i, i, i - i can't. excuse me. i believe you have my stapler? can i keep a piece? because last time i was told that - but this, this, it, it, it's a little cake. yes. i wanted to see you because - no. no. i. i. that's really not my job and i haven't received my - excuse me? excuse me? ok, that's the last straw. to mr. lumbergh and he told me to talk to payroll and then payroll, they told me to talk to mr. lumbergh. and i still haven't gotten my paycheck and they stole my stapler and they told me to move my desk to storage room b and there was garbage all over it and i don't appreciate that. mr. lumbergh - but - ok, i, i, i'm going to set the building on fire. i tell him, if i don't get my stapler i'm going to have to get my stapler back because it is my stapler. it's my stapler, the swingline. it's been mine for a very long time. excuse me. excuse me, senor. may i speak to you please? i asked for a mai tai, a margarita, and a pina colada. i asked for no salt, no salt in the margarita. but it had salt in it. if you do that again, i won't be leaving a tip. i won't be putting one down. sir? i could check into a competing resort.