motherf - shit - sonofa - ass!! i just - oh no! not again! why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?!! i, i swear to god, one of these days, i, i, i just kick this piece of shit out the window!!! piece of shit!! please. how come no one in this country can pronounce my name right? it's na- gee-een-ah-jah. nagaenajar michael, there's nothing wrong with that name. well, why don't just go by mike, instead of michael? it's a little early. it could be nice to have that kind of job security. yes, i am also not a pussy. that's right. peter, you, you always talk about this girl. if you're so obsessed with her, why don't you just ask her out? yeah. peter, she's anorexic. yeah. didn't you get that memo? is that tom smykowski? oh, what are you talking about tom? how do you know that? yes, yes, it's horrible…this idea…. so what did you say? well, i would invest half of it in ??? mutual funds and give the rest of it to my friend, saheib, in securities. but that's not much money, i - superman iii - that's it, i have to leave now, ok? i have to get my resume ready. that's right! if i'm lucky. yes, peter, but i'm not going to do something illegal. really. so what do you think? i have a question. in, in these conjugal visits, you can have sex with women? ok. i'm gonna do it. of course. i can't believe they had security escort us out. not like we're gonna steal something. what did you steal? the one i see is - rapping) back up in your ass with the resurrection. hi tom. samir. shit, shit, shit, shit. son of a bitch! shit! this is a - fuck! son of a bitch! shit! yes, it's your software! what happened?! it did not work, michael, ok?! ok?! is, is there a way to just give the money back? well, we have to do something. yes. we are in very, very deep shit. it doesn't really help us, michael. yeah, you didn't know that? wait, wait, wait a minute. wait a minute. you just give us the name of one drug dealer. i could talk to him. i have good networking skills. working must be, must be very hard for you. we're new to it, though. if we had more experience - i don't want to go to any prison! why the hell did i do this?! i've never done anything wrong in my whole life! we weren't thinking clearly because you told us we were losing our jobs! and look at us now, we're, we're worried about going to prison! ass. i'm going home. you are a very bad person, peter. so, how do you like your new job? it's work. but what if the money burned up? it's too be a scheme. are you sure you don't want us to get you a job? ok.