yeah, do you have an appointment? what for? he's a busy man! yeah, throw a club! she won't give me any more cigarettes! lend me twenty. i wanna know about my cigarettes! yeah. right, doc. it's workable. i second the motion! no way. let's go, for christsakes. how can a man concentrate with you sitting there hallucinating a mile a minute. right! yeah, let's vote on it! mack. yeah, mack? yeah, mack? sure, mack. yeah, mack, what is it? where ya goin', mac? how ya gettin' out, mac? yeah, show us, mac! they went that way. right, mack! yeah! there they are! yeah, maybe we ought to go back, mac. yeah, where we going? when do you think we'll be going back, mack? yeah, whadabout our cigarettes? mack!