as bromden makes his way across the day room, past the nurses' station, unnoticed by miss pilbow who is busy preparing the day's medication. as the acutes straggle past big nurse. no sound as we see big nurse watch the last few patients file past the side door to the nurses' station where miss pilbow hands out little cups with pills. washington stands by, checking to see each man takes his pills before filling their cups with orange juice. the last patient takes his pills and returns to his place in the day room. miss pilbow closes the window. as mcmurphy drifts into the room and looks around. the room is as it was. the music ends. there is a click. mcmurphy's attention is drawn to the nurses' station. camera is on big nurse as she stands, in front of a chair, doing a deep breathing exercise. as the acutes straggle past big nurse. a group meeting is in progress. doctor spivey is there. a group meeting is in progress and big nurse is honed in on billy. mcmurphy reaches in and picks up his carton of cigarettes. a group meeting is in progress. doctor spivey is there. music over loudspeaker. the day room is as it was in the beginning. harding is dealing out a game of blackjack to martini, as sefelt jauntily enters the day room.