the music is playing. the tv is on the six o'clock news as mcmurphy, cards in hand, is dealing blackjack to cheswick, harding, sefelt, billy and martini. fredrickson and scanlon are looking on as bromden eases up to the game. cheswick is at the nurses' station talking to big nurse. as mcmurphy goes around to the front of the nurses' station and queues up behind the other acutes who are getting their medication. mcmurphy reaches the window, takes the cup, but doesn't take his pills. as mcmurphy crosses the day room, past the nurses' station where turkle is asleep. as mcmurphy and the other patients cross the day room, past the nurses' station, where turkle shifts in his sleep. as the two of them cross into the day room heading for the window, turkle sticks his head out of the nurses' station. music over as the patients are queued up at the nurses' station where candy is handing out cups full of whiskey, mcmurphy backing her up, pouring the booze into the cups. harding takes his cup and moves back into the day room as ellis automatically downs the booze, gags and goes spinning off across the hallway and is nailed to the wall. as the others, who are laying out food, drinking booze and stringing up hospital gauze, turn to see rose enter the room. she runs behind mcmurphy, pressing her body to his, as he gently takes hold of ellis' outstretched hands. a soft nostalgic number is heard over loudspeaker as harding, billy and cheswick watch mcmurphy dance with candy, fredrickson with sefelt and rose, who is dressed, dance with taber. another soft nostalgic number is heard over loudspeaker as mcmurphy, candy, harding, cheswick, taber, sefelt and fredrickson watch rose, on a table, doing a solo bump-and grind dance, while martini and scanlon race around the room in wheelchairs. as the music ends. a long silence, then another number begins as mcmurphy, who has nodded off, starts awake and looks around. as mcmurphy crosses to billy and candy, and gently parting them, he puts his arms around them -- as much for support as affection. music over loudspeaker as mcmurphy crashes heavily into his chair. he can hardly keep his eyes open as he looks around.