okay, mack! whoowe, candy girl, are we in an insane asylum or ain't we? are they all crazies? oh, just those guys dressed in white? well, you could've fooled me. hey, pssst! whadda 'bout me? whew! hiya, boys! what's that? that! is he one of the loonies? oh, yeah. hi ya, big boy? how's it goin'? like it in here? what? where? wow! they're so quiet. are they dangerous when they're awake? smells like piss. is this real, candy? is this really real? i mean we are in an insane asylum, an' i wanna know how we got ourselves into this scene. who is he? are you a doctor? yeah, well, i'll tell ya somethin'. i'll tell ya somethin'. i had this boyfriend, chuck. ya know him, mac. ya remember, chuck. well, listen to this. he got mad at me one day. boy, did he get mad at me. he took the light bulb, ya know. i thought he was going to cram it right up me, ya know. but he ate it. he ate the whole fucking light bulb. now, tell me! is he crazy? tell me! is he crazy? i thought so. he's dead. that's what i told his mother. and she said i was crazy. her son ate the whole fucking light bulb and she said i was crazy. you ol' fucker! what? wait a minute. oh yeah! well if ya don't mind, i'll decide on my own date! whaddaya talkin' about? there's at least twenty guys in there. let's wake 'em up and get this party on the road. oh, yeah. don't you sweet talk me you ol' spook, you! well, okay, but i just want to look at the facilities. that's all.