doc, my gungs hurt me. uh-huh. okay, doc! hi. what's he talkin' about? yeah, harding, where do you breathe anyway? why? yeah, turn her loose! that kind of behavior will get you a p.a. rating, my friend. potential assaultive. hit me! boogered! big man! on what? maybe he'll just show miss ratched his big thing an' she'll open the door for him. why, my head would just squash like an eggplant, mcmurphy. i'll bet a dollar. yes, i see it! i see it! me too. there they are! yeah, my feet are gettin' cold. i don't know. my feet hurt. oh, my god! i see something! i thought i might donate it to the mess hall. it's the dilantin that makes my gums soft! lemme see. jesus, they're terrible grades, fred. yes, ma'am. ya know what, fred? just wait till you hear. mcmurphy killed two attendants and escaped. yesterday. gary blinker.