hold it! good morning, boys. great day for fishing. oh, what's that? oh, do you do much fishing? is that so? my, my. ah, who are you? ah, yes. well, we must talk soon, mister mcmurphy. good morning, jim. how are you feeling? have you been taking your dilantin, jim? well, we'll send you over to the dentist and see what he can do. okay? what other work have you done? oh, what was that? i see. in what way? i see. yes. ah, do you know why you're here? well, according to the warden at pendleton, you were a disturbing influence on others. 'it appears that there is a potential in him for instigating a revolt among the other inmates.' what do you think of that report? arrested on an assault charge five times. the doctor at the prison states: 'don't overlook the possibility that this man may be faking psychosis to escape the drudgery of the work farm' what do you say to that? ah, it seems you have no other psychiatric history, mister murphy? well, you're here for a ninety-day observation period, mister mcmurphy. i'd like you to understand you are here on a court order and we are responsible to the state. so, i'd like your cooperation! good. good. it is worth considering. miss ratched? well, since it will be largely the chronics who remain here, one aide and one nurse should easily be able to handle any situation that might occur. what do you think, men, is it workable? fine! how are you feeling? good, good, and how are you getting along on the ward? yes, well, miss ratched feels that you're a disturbing influence on the other patients. yes, that may be so, but in making a careful study of your past record, along with your behavior since you arrived here, my feeling is that you are not mentally ill and it is going to be my recommendation that you be returned to pendleton where they are better equipped to handle your case. i'm afraid not. no, mister mcmurphy, it's just that we cannot offer you the guidance and assistance that you would receive at pendleton. i'm sorry, but i can't keep you here. we'll let you know. here they are, miss ratched. safe and sound! me? i didn't hear a thing! let's play ball! time out! time out! foul! break it up, boys! point counts. one free throw!