are you a doctor? i want you to write me a letter to my brother for a hundred dollars to bury me. i'm the next one. because i quit breathing. yeah, harding, why don't you knockoff the bullshit and get to the point. yeah, harding, you're so fuckin' dumb i can't believe it. yeah, why? you know what, harding? i think you're some kind of morbid asshole or something. you've been talking about your wife evere since i can remember. you know, she's on your mind and blah, blah, blah and on and on and when are you going to wise up and turn her loose! koufax against ford! yeah, whattsa matter, mack, she too much for ya? yeah, you don't know how to get outta this place! yeah, yeah, you're a fucking phony, mcmurphy! yeah, yeah, show me. show me how! i'll bet a buck you don't do it! what's going on? bullshit. you ain't got no way out! yeah! ten bucks. where's it go? i don't believe it. somebody's coming! we'll get in trouble. yeah, take us back to the dumbwaiter, mac. yeah, we'll miss breakfast! yeah, why can't a fellow even have the weekends to himself?