he goin' t'see the big white muthuh. haw, look at 'im, big 'nough to eat apples off my head an' he mine me like a baby. yes, miss ratched? yes, miss ratched. warren! get your black ass in here! you a good boy, mistah bancini. martini, there ain't nobody there, ya dumb goon! go get the ball! pass the ball, mcmurphy. le's go, chief. le's go get ourselves all nice and clean. you too, mistah mack-murphy! yes, miss ratched? yes, miss ratched. nobody leaves here till seven thirty. tha's your problem. huh? warren! miller! shit, man, tha' ain't even worth considerin'. now you talkin'. bet you ass. gimme tha' ball! jus' playin' the game, sucker. take you han's offa me! no way. bibbit? where's bill bibbit, ya damn goons? come on, get over there! yes, miss ratched! yes, miss ratched. 'kay, let's have the keys an' nobody get hurt!