bev walsh was wonderful. yes. what was it you were you thinking about? what about the warrens, did you call them? yes. she'll talk to john. where's conrad? this'll get cold. they won't be back by saturday. morning. it's french toast. it's your favorite. you're not hungry, you're not hungry! there's fresh fruit for you when you get home from school later. you can't save french toast. was he actually a client of yours? it's too bad. fish too dry? they have a new mechanic at c&s. i don't know. i think he took a job in skokie. anyway, this new mechanic is so . awkward. is that shirt ripped? leave it on the table in the hallway. conrad, do you want me to sign you up for round robin at the club? well, don't you think it's time to start? the one from idaho? did she die in idaho? you said she was always traveling. i just. wondered if she died in idaho. i didn't know you made an appointment. where's his office? you're the scariest ghost i've ever seen! and the tiger and the witch. you all look just wonderful. take an apple. there you go. be careful. good-bye. know what i've been thinking? that christmas in london would be like something out of dickens. we've never done that before, right? christmas in london? yes, we talked about that. we decided on that. calvin, we've always gone away at christmas time. i think. i think it would be good for him too. isn't it time we got back to normal? alright, so he'll miss three weeks. why interrupt it? alright then if he changes his mind, maybe it's not something that was right for him to do. i don't think he knows what he wants to do. ha! don't do that! ha. i didn't think you were here i didn't play golf, today. it's too cold. i didn't play. no, i mean, . for the year it's colder. weren't you swimming today? how'd it go? good. off. well, you have to work at that. seventy four? gee, i was awful at trig. wait a minute. did i take trig? that's. - uh? i bought you two shirts. they're on your bed. well. the murrays of course, and the gunthers, and the caines, and. the good old us. don't be negative. okay. okay. yeah. come on. let's go. what's our excuse? good. very good. all right now, smile. hello gladyce. will you put that with the rest of them? clark! happy birthday! you look wonderful for a 75-year-old! you did the mousse? it turned out well? hi there. good to see you, and where were you at the lunch last week? your hair looks wonderful. it's shorter, isn't it? i like that. good to see you! you look beautiful. as ever. what are these hushed tones all about? no. you didn't. you're so mean. isn't he the meanest man you've met? how are you. darling? is he falling asleep on you, yet? you drink too much at parties, calvin. why did you tell annie marshall that conrad is seeing a psychiatrist? well for one thing, i don't think people hear that kind of thing very easily. well, i thought your blurting it out like that was in very bad taste. not to mention a violation of privacy! our privacy! the family's privacy! i think it is a very private matter. it's cold out here. you should put that on, or do you want a sweater? what are you doing? about what? your hair is starting to grow out. it's looking. looking better. oh. yeah, i remember. i remember how scared i used to get. that whosssshhhhh! flap, flap, flap, flap!. every time i started the car. you know. uh. that animal next door, that pepper or pippin, whatever its name is. he's not a very friendly dog. i. i don't care what mr. mcgreary says. put that on if you're gonna stay out here, okay? help what? oh, you mean with this? no. no, i tell you what you can do though. you can go upstairs to that room of yours and clean out the closet. okay? because it really is a mess. oh, bucky! no. stop! what is it? no, i tell you what. let's get the three men in there, and i'll take a picture of you. do it. calvin. calvin! calvin, give me the camera. come on, give me the camera. no but i really want a shot of the three of you men. give me the camera, calvin. please. cal? smile. i think it can be saved. i don't think people want to be with him. he provokes people. thank you. yes, mother, of course. i think maybe he should go away to school. i just don't know how to deal with him any more. i don't know. i suppose this doctor he's seeing. a psychiatrist. no. berger. i dunno, i suppose he's jewish. maybe just german. you know, i think this can be saved. it's a nice clean break. fine. very nice. why don't you ask him what's wrong? maybe you won't have to hear it from carol lazenby. carol thought i knew. cos why wouldn't i? it happened over a month ago. no, that was meant for me, calvin. it's really important to try to hurt me. isn't it? oh? and how do i hurt you? by embarrassing you in front of a friend? poor beth! she has no idea what her son is up to! he lies and she believes every word of it. you did! you lied everytime you came into this house at 6:30 ! if it's starting all over again, the lying, the covering up, the disappearing for hours, i will not stand for it! i can't stand it! i really can't! maybe this is how they sit around and talk at the hospital, but we're not at the hospital now. buck never would've been in the hospital! i won't do it again. i really won't do it. ah! oh, god, that's the pattern, isn't it? he walks all over us and then you go up and apologize to him. yes of course you are! you always do! you've been apologizing to him ever since he got home from the hospital, only you don't see it! don't talk to me that way. don't you talk to me the way he talks to you! hi! what happened? what? why? calvin, what's the matter with you? what could getting dressed for buck's funeral possibly have to do with anything right now? ha, ha. i won't listen to that! no one in their right mind would listen to that. why do you want to remind me of it? it's all right. caroll! i'm fine. how are you? i know. i'm so busy. i promise i'll call you soon and we'll have lunch. how's brad? give him my love. isn't this madness? it gets worse every year! what? oh. no, no. no. thanks. we've got bennett's, and grant's and foley's. ha, conrad should get something for my mother and father. he's not supposed to get something for his doctor, is he? what? why? ho. he thinks it's a good idea? what does he know about me, about this family? i've never even met him. about what? what are we gonna talk about? don't try to change me, calvin. i don't want anymore changes in my life. for god's sake, hasn't enough happened? let's just hold on to what we've got! i don't want any surprises. i know i'm not perfect. and if i can't go around hugging everybody all the time the way you do, then i'm sorry. i don't want to see any doctors or counselors. i am me. this is my family. and if we have problems, then we will solve those problems in the privacy of our own home, not by running to some kind of specialist everytime something goes wrong. running to experts every time something goes wrong. we need time together, calvin. you and i. we have to get away. new years'. we can spend some time in houston with my brother and audrey. you know, play a little golf. relax. i love you. let's just give things time. okay? yes. it's not even plugged in. really? would you tell me why it is i am still hungry? with baked potatoe and sour cream, too, uh? how long has he had that drawl? all right. how about that? oh, i do love that. we should spend more time playing golf together, you know that? maybe our next vacation, strictly golf. pinehurst, myrtle beach. do you do that deliberately or is it just a reflex? i'm surprised you haven't felt the need to call him since we've been here. hey, could we have a little drink before we head back? what? what i started? ha! there's no point discussing it. he controls you even when you are two thousand miles away. isn't he? no, no. let's talk about what's bothering you. cos' that's what you want, isn't it? it's not what you've done, it's what you think i've done. you blame me for the whole thing. no! i can't! and neither can you, and neither can anybody else! only maybe i'm just a little more honest about it! i don't know what he expects from me. i never have known. what? he wants me to throw my arms around him everytime he passes an exam? well, i can't do it! i cannot respond when someone says: "here, i just did this great thing. love me.". i can't! hate him? my god! how could i hate him? mothers don't hate their sons! is that what he told you? do you see how you accept what he says with no questions, and you can't do the same thing to me, can you? i don't know what everyone wants from me anymore! happy? ward, you tell me the definition of happy, uh? but first, you better make sure that your kids are good and safe, that no one's fallen off a horse, or been hit by a car, or drowned in that swimming pool you're so proud of! and then you come to me and tell me how to be happy! calvin? what did you say? i feel the way i've always felt about you. 138: i hope it's a long train. i've got to get the stuff down. i'm gonna flunk this test. hello? give me your hand! suppose the order to buy 4000 at 113 3. 4. he walks all over us and you go up there and apologize to him. 500 at 114. it's all german pudding with you, dad, you don't see things. you've been apologizing to him ever since he came home from the hospital. and you just don't see that! tell her to stop it! you never tell her a godamn thing! buck never would have been in the hospital! she hates me! can't you see that? i want to be clear. that's good. two! let's have the best christmas ever. we could have the best year of our whole lives. "hang on!". haaa. haaa. haaa. haaa. haaa.