well, did we like it? it was funny. most of us shouldn't turn profile. when? you okay? mmmh. trouble sleeping? you're sure? burning the midnight oil? okay. well, the month's up. i think we should stick to the plan. yeah. okay. don't worry about it. get some sleep. by the way, i am working on those michigan state tickets. yeah, they said they'll make it some evening soon. "joey georgella. new football coach for trinity." did you check with jane for the michigan state tickets? con! will you drop those suits at the cleaners for me? that's okay. connie! here he is! did you sleep? hungry? yeah. breakfast, pal, remember? main meal. energy! wait a minute, beth, hang on. he's gonna eat it. come on. it's french toast. what are you doing? what are you doing? you have to charm mr. herman. did you charm him? you have to eat, con. we just want you keep on getting stronger. are you okay? oh. is he? great! well. i don't see the old gang much anymore. i miss them. bring them around. phil, don, and dick van buren. we'll play some touch football on the lawn. con! well. regionally. i mean. it's tragic. really. look at him now. he's lost everything. it's not too dry. what happened to little harry? that girl from the hospital, the one you painted with, she was from skokie, wasn't she? what was her name? sharon? karen. good god, not the murrays. i saw mort swain. his sister died. the one with the restaurant. i guess so. why? i don't know. maybe she died in idaho. maybe kansas city. berger? did you? good! you didn't say anything. good! when? how did it go? don't worry about the money, it's okay. ah, it's okay. and it is necessary. what did you talk about? what about your schedule? will that be all right? mmm? maybe we shouldn't plan to go away right now. yeah. i know we talked about it, but the more i talk about it, the more the timing doesn't seem right. i know. he's just started with this doctor. no. if he doesn't go through with this now, he might change his mind. you talked to him about it? does he want to go to london? who's gonna be there? why don't we just go to the movies instead? that's not negative. that's unpredictable. come on. let's really go to the movies. really? beth wanted to go to the movies? hey. partner. how are you? why? where is he going? jesus. hi. annie. what's your boy up to these days? he's great. just great. oh! oh, no, no. nothing like that. no, no, just somebody to talk to. that's all. kind of polish off the rough edges, that's all. mr. great. that's me! hey? i'm not drunk. i dunno. why not? come on, for most people, it's a status symbol, right up there with going to europe. i did not think it was that. whose privacy? oh, i'm sorry. that's my fault. i just can never seem to tell anybody that they're not making it. what? oh, i'm sorry. huh? connie's all right. he is. he's okay. i'm not on the rack about him. i can't argue with "who knows." thanks. hang on! wait, hang on! whose sweater is it? that's fair! conrad! conrad! that's good. connie. i want one of connie and his mother. connie, move in a little closer to your mother. okay. prize winner. portrait. page one, lake forrester. hold it. connie, smile! just a second, smile! no, i didn't get it yet , beth. i want a really good picture of the two of you, ok? not until i get a picture of the two of you. i didn't see you there. what do you think? rawlins used to have such great scotch pines. and they all look like skeletons this year. what's wrong? hear what? what? quit? when? where have you been every night? why didn't you tell us, connie? what do you mean? why wouldn't it matter? of course it matters. and. what was meant for you? connie! now, connie! connie!. connie!. just stop it, connie! . how do you know she never came? you know she came but she had the flu and couldn't come inside, but she came. that's enough! that is enough! what in hell has happened? i am not going to apologize. i am not apologizing. i'm trying to goddamn understand him! beth. let's not fight. okay? no fighting. okay? please. let's go upstairs. i want to talk to you. in a minute. i'm not mad ! i'm just trying to figure out what happened down there. why don't you tell her? why not? she was upset, conrad. your mother was hurt because you quit the swim team. i don't understand it myself. what then? explain it to me. what things? your mother doesn't hate you, conrad? what about this dr. berger? do you think he's helping you? i'll be downstairs if you need me. see you later. in the car, i was thinking: "be clear.". i suppose that's what psychiatry's about. being precise and clear. and honest, of course. i'll level with you. i'm not a great believer in psychiatry. i know what happens here is only between you and him, and. i like that, i respect that. and. he's better, i can see that. i am not trying to put you down, i just don't believe in psychiatry as a panacea for everybody. i wish i knew what the hell i was doing here. i don't know actually, i'm not sure, i think i meant in terms of conrad. you see, i knew something was wrong even before he tried to. to kill himself. but i thought that. it's clear that he's very smart. he's been an "a" student ever since he started school, and naturally i thought that . intelligent people could work out their own problems. yeah, sure i do. it's hard not to. it was luck. it was just luck that i happened to be there when he tried it. i could have been at a meeting. we both could've been away. it was luck! no! no. no. i used to. i used to think. that i was a lucky person. before. the "accident". mmm, i guess the whole of life is nothing but an accident, is it? what happens to you. i should do with it. yeah. maybe, maybe i am drifting a little. i can see myself, . and i can see the two of them drifting away from me, and i just stand there watching. something. i gotta do something about it. i don't know what. yeah. no. i don't know. i see her not being able to forgive him. oh, i don't know exactly. being too much like her. people always think that she and buck are. were . were alike. but it's really she and conrad. they were the only two that didn't cry at the funeral, you know? it's not easy for me to admit this but, uh. she didn't. his mother doesn't show him a great deal of affection. i'm not trying to put her down in any way at all. she is a wonderful woman, huh. oh, god, yes, she loved buck! bucky got so much. i think what she felt for him was special. you know, he was her first-born. that's not unusual, is it? me? i loved buck. for me you mean? mmm. she's very. no. there's no problem with her for me. we've been. we've been married nearly twenty one years. everybody loves beth. but, huh. for conrad, - it's been difficult. he didn't talk about that? we don't know what happens here. it doesn't come up. i guess that's what it is. it's private here. isn't it? i think i know why i came here. i think i came here to talk about myself. this will sound strange. could we talk about buck's funeral? i know it'll seem trivial, but it's on my mind, or has been, and i'd just like to talk about it. when i was getting dressed for buck's funeral, i was. just let me get it off my chest,ok? i was wearing a blue shirt. and you said: - wear a white shirt and the other shoes! it was nothing at the time. but it's always seemed to stay with me. and i, for some reason, been thinking about it and it suddenly occured to me what difference did it make what i wore at buck's funeral? just hear me out, beth! it won't hurt you to listen! i just want to talk about something i always remembered. because i've always wondered, in some needling way, what it mattered what i wore. i was crazy that day. we were going to our son's funeral. and you were worried about what i wore on my feet. i'm sure it sounds like nothing to you, but it sticks with me and i just wanted to . tell you about it. i don't think so. i think we should go see him, beth. - dr. berger. i think we could all go and see him together. he thinks it's a good idea. exactly. that's the point. wouldn't it be easier if we all talked about it? in the open. darling, that is what this is for. maybe you'll get a surprise. i am not asking you to be perfect, you're missing the point. huh, no. could you give me a couple of minutes, please? i do too. i want all of them to be nice christmases okay. okay. i love you, too. seven. i'll never get over how flat it is here. i'll never get over. airplane scotch. boy, oh, boy. oh, these holes sure do love you. oh boy, oh boy. pinehurst would be nice. i think connie would like pinehurst. well, you said "vacation", so i just assumed you meant him too. i was gonna call him tonight. six. let's finish this. what you started. what you started. i think there is a point. he isn't the problem. no, he isn't. let's talk about what's really bothering you. jesus, what have i done to make you so angry with me? can't you see anything except in terms of how it affects you? well, stop being so godamn honest, and start being a little generous! and start thinking about him for a while! well, i'll tell you what he expects! all he wants. all he wants is to know you don't hate him. that's it. i just try to keep this family together. it's pretty early. you tired? i hope your grandmother wasn't too tough on you? i don't. you are beautiful. and you are unpredictable. but you're so cautious. you're determined, beth. but you know something? you're not strong. and i don't know if you're really giving. beth is looking at him not knowing what this is about. we would've been all right, if there hadn't been any . mess. but you can't handle mess. you need everything neat and . easy. i don't know. maybe you can't love anybody. it was so much buck. and buck died, it was as if you buried all your love with him, and i don't understand that. i just don't know. the yard looks smaller without leaves. your mother's going away for a while. back to houston. then i. i don't know. no. don't do that! don't do that to yourself! it's nobody's fault! things happen in this world, people don't always have answers for them, you know. oh, yeah? oh, he needed it. you didn't. you were always so hard on yourself, i never had the heart. no, it's the truth. i. i never worried about you. i just wasn't listening. no, no, no, i should . i should've got a handle on it somehow. well, don't admire people too much. they'll disappoint you sometimes. i love you too.