go! ok, come on, now! move it, you guys! move it! keep it going! keep it going! keep it going! come on! keep plugging! plugging! use those legs! use those legs! lazenby, get with it! jarrett, keep your head down! work it out there! work it! come on, now! come on! push off! get your head down. jarrett! come on! keep it up! keep it going! dig! dig! dig in there! come on! get at it! push on. jarrett! push on! keep that head straight genthe! i don't want to tell you again! well, are you having fun out there? there's no point if you're not having fun. right? you guess so? are you on medication, jarrett? tranquilizers? anything? did i ask you if they gave you shock out there? yeah what? don't look at us, lazenby! get your ass in the water! look at the bottom of the pool! you know, i'm no doctor, jarrett. i would never have let them put electricity in my head. what it is you want? i don't know what else to do for you. you gotta be kidding me. i don't get it. i excuse you from practice twice a week so you can see some shrink. i work with you every damn night at your convenience. what the hell more am i supposed to do for you? bright kid like you, everything going for you. see, i don't get it. why do you wanna keep messing up your life? okay. okay. now, this is it. you're a big kid now. actions have consequences. i'm not taking you back again. you'll remember that?