hi! good. real good. thank you. when did you get back? god. oh, you too. listen. i am not gonna be able to stay a real long time. i've got a meeting over at school. drama club meeting. we're doing "a thousand clowns" this year. you know it? anyway. we're going so crazy trying to get it together. i am secretary this year too. no. oh, no, you're not hanging me up! no, i really wanted to see you. i didn't know quite what to expect, though. i mean, you sounded. uh, you sounded sort of funny on the phone. oh. you're swimming? terrific, conrad! that's. that's really wonderful. come on, you'll do great. i'll bet your folks are real proud of you. uh. i just want a coke. you think we offended him? so. uh. so do you. miss what? no. no. are you seeing a doctor? uh. uh, well, dr. crawford gave me a name, and i went for a while. but uh. i dunno.it just didn't work for me, i guess. he just kept telling me all the things i already knew, and , uh. finally, i decided. the only one who can help me is myself. at least, that's what my dad says. i don't mean it's not right for you, conrad. i mean i think that if it's something you want to do, that's what you should be doing. your hair grew in. i like it. yeah! things have to change. you know? but that was a hospital. this is the real world. i really have to go. i'm sorry. i have a meeting over at the school. drama club meeting. we're doing "a thousand clowns". did i? i better hurry. don't wanna be late. conrad? let's have a great christmas! okay? let's have. a great year. let's have the best year of our whole lives, ok? we can, you know. this could be the best year ever. yeah! you mean it? you. uh. you look good. conrad. bye. hey! we can. you know.