no. it's on a night like this when the best ideas come to mind. you wouldn't understand. seeing a cemetery on a night like this can stir in the mind the best ideas for a good horror story. sure there are--and i've tried them all. plays, love stories, westerns, dog stories. huh, now there was a good one, that dog story all about-- shirley, i wrote for years without selling a single word. my monsters have done well for me. you think i'd give that up just so i could write about trees, or dogs, or daisies? huhuh--daisies! that's it, i'll write about my creatures who are pushing up the daisies. your puritan upbringing holds you back from my monsters, but it certainly doesn't hurt your art of kissing. who's to say my monsters aren't alive? all of my books are based on fact, or legend. thats perhaps why they're more interesting and sell in the top spots. there's an old cemetery on this road. i've been there before. okay. just as soon as i find a place wide enough to turn around. well we certainly can't stay here. c'mon. in there. silly, there's nothing in there to be afraid of. that's what i want to find out. we have to get help. something's making that music. all right. don't worry, i'll be right beside you. not dead? in a cemetery? well, it's probably just the caretaker, and that's exactly who we want to find. they'll have a telephone. c'mon. it's an initiation all right, but not of a college as you and i know them. nothing alive looks like that! i'm not sure. i'm not sure, myself. it's just a feeling i've had since the crash. like i feel a cold chill all over. . now this! be careful!--they'll see you. you've got a right to be. we're trapped by a bunch of fiends. don't let them hear you. i don't know. i just don't know. but don't give up. we're not finished yet. easy shirley, easy! panic won't do us any good! let me think. we've got to stall for time. whatever you do, don't do that. the ropes are coming loose. i am--it's our only chance. my guess is if we don't take the chance pretty soon, we're not going to have much life left anyway. hold on just a little longer, shirley. you do? you're talking nonsense. they wouldn't dare put us in the same grave-- or would they? that sudden? and i thought you loved me. leave her alone, you fiend! if i could get my hands on you. leave her alone, i tell you! i've got the ropes loose now. i've got my hands free. be careful--don't change your expression too much. they must not catch on. i don't know, yet. we'll just have to watch our chance. when it comes i'll know what to do--i hope i'll know what to do. all right. put it on heavy. him! i'll bet he sleeps with all the lights on. easy, shirley. easy! there's nothing to forgive. it was all a dream. of course i do.