boo -yahl he shoots! he scores! hey. why is she dressed like that? love you, tools john follows daniel, kissing kate on his way out.' dad! 'dad!! dad, look!! john distractedly glances over his shoulder at him and daniel does a huge cannonball into the pool. splash! suddenly, esther squeals with glee. she's unwrapped an iirt easel and new painting supplies. by the time daniel-'s smiling face pops out of the water, he's disappointed to find that esther has drawn john's attention again, barraging him with-hugs and kisses. she looks at daniel over john's shoulder and hticks her tongue out at him. daniel fumes. get out of here! this is my treehouse. dad built it for mm. esther smiles, then leads max away. the boys watch them go. mom, what's she saying? bye, mom. kate-gives him and max a kiss, but esther-runs right by without pausing, hurrying after john. esther. takes- 'john 'a-hand, holding it on the way to the car. kate watches them, a little hurt. she's not my sister. hey, you're not allowed to wear makeup. does mom know you have this? they were playing "hide and seek."- i- saw esther let her run off. esther gives him a sharp look. john turns on her, . angry. i wasn't taking it to school[ i don't knowl" she just put it there to. get me in troubles she saw me wcth it in the treehouse. oh-huh. esther had the-keys. no, i swear! fine, i guess. -i gotta gu. before kate can stop -him, he closes the car door and runs off. are you okay?' max nods. daniel sits down next to her. he lowers his voice. did esther do something to the van? max turns away and shakes her bead. it's okay. you can tell no. i saw her jump out before .it started to roll. max gives him a startled look, suddenly frightened. no way. dad won't believe me. you have to do it with me. max shakes her head and starts signing, but daniel can't keep up. slow down, 'i don't understand. did she make the van crash? a long beat. max reluctantly nods'. - then we have to tell mom and dad. max starts crying. she signs, but daniel doesn't understand. frustrated, max starts hitting him. daniel grabs her arms -stop it!- she's going to kill us if we don't tell! morn and dad can protect us! max. shakes her head. daniel releases her. why not? what did she do in the treehouse? r she's coming. everything's going to be all right. bathroom. esther eyes him as he leaves. you leave her alone. momi help! m0000mi the fire closes in. the place is going up like a tinderbox. he carefully climbs out the window and stands- on the sill, fifteen feet off the ground. moooom!1 he hugs the side of the treehouse, panicked. the flames grow higher, licking at his feet. no place to go now but up. he reaches for the edge of the roof and struggles to pull himself onto it, his legs kicking out over empty space. he gets an elbow on the sloped roof and starts wriggling up onto it. .suddenly -- he sue. he glide dawn, arel grabbing the q2 9 t h e with his fin e s aj the last seco esther gasps, excited, like she's the front row of a great sports event.