how precious! it's a pleasure-to meet you, too. so what are your plans now? oh, so you think.they'll take you back? kate's eyes flicker with irritation. i see. that was such a good position you had at yale. it's a. shame. i know. i'm 5o glad you're doing better now. well, it's a shame that it took something like that for you to :get help, but i'm glad you did. kate takes. the plate of food and leaves without looking at her. come on, you two. let's go watch tv. max wipes her eyes. esther takes her hand and leads her away. i don't care what she appreciates. you can't leave those kids alone with her while you're at work all day. you're doing the right thing. don't let her change your mind. i say professor plum did it in the conservatory with the candlestick. where are you going? she can ride with us.